首页> 中文期刊> 《砖瓦》 >城镇处理厂污泥制砖影响污泥掺量因素的探讨(二)




首先对制砖原料的理化性能要求及国家标准GB30526-2014进行了简要介绍,进而就污泥的含水率、烧失量和发热量诸因素,对其制砖掺量的影响,以及掺量对强度的影响进行了讨论。最后认为,影响污泥掺量的主要因素是GB30526规定的烧结墙体材料单位能源消耗限额,以及污泥所含大量可挥发性固体——生物质燃料,只能部分取代固体燃料作为内燃料。因此污泥发热量对污泥在混合料中掺量的影响,远大于污泥含水率和烧失量的影响,并提出了污泥掺量适宜的指标。%The paper briefly introduces the performance requirements of raw materials for brick-making and the na⁃tional standard of GB30526-2014, then discusses the impact of moisture content, ignition loss and calorific value on the sludge content for brick-making, and the effect of its content on strength. It concludes that the main factors affecting the content of the sludge is the energy consumption per unit of fired wall material which is prescribed by GB30526, as well as a large number of volatile solid contains in the sludge--biomass fuel, which only partially re⁃place the solid fuel as internal fuel. Therefore, the effect of calorific value of sludge on the content of sludge in the mixture is much larger than that on the water content and ignition loss of sludge, and proposes the appropriate index of the sludge content.



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