首页> 中文期刊> 《电力系统自动化》 >配电网信息管理系统的组件化设计与实现




The component-based software design method inherits and develops the object-oriented programming method. This paper not only presents the concept, character, principle and application of the method, but also describes a COM-based three-layer client/server software architecture. Concerned with the development of Fushun Distribution Network Information Management System (DNIMS), a new idea to design component-based software is introduced. Since to finish the development of DNIMS for every aspect at the same time is difficult, it is necessary to use the component-based software design method on the basis of uniform programming, so that the whole system can be implemented step by step. It has been practically proved that this approach can effectively enhance the reusability and expansibility of the software, and further can improve the reliability and maintainability of the system. Moreover the productivity of the software is increased obviously.%基于组件对象模型(COM)的组件化软件设计方法继承并发展了面向对象程序设计方法。阐述了其概念、特点、原理和应用,并由此引出建立在COM基础上的3层客户/服务器软件结构。结合抚顺市配电网信息管理系统的研制与开发,介绍了该类软件的组件化设计与实现的新思路,指出在实际配电网信息管理系统的开发中,需要在统一规划的基础上,使用组件化软件设计方法,将整个系统分层、分块、分步实施。实践证明该方法有效地提高了软件的可重用性和可扩充性,改善了系统的可靠性和可维护性,节省了开发时间,提高了软件的生产效率。



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