首页> 中文期刊>电力系统自动化 >主动配电网电能质量实时监测系统设计与实现




A service-oriented power quality real-time monitoring system for active distribution network (ADN) based on the browser/server(B/S) schema is designed and realized.The system can monitor the power quality of ADN in the process of integrating distributed generators in real time.The influence of power flow direction change on the power quality level is focused on.A power quality information model based on the IEC 61850 standard is developed.By means of the manufacturing message specification (MMS),the power quality real-time monitored data on site are uploaded to the master station for parsing,and then stored in the real-time database.The main wiring diagrams of ADN are modeled and drawn by the Silverlight technology.The client side communicates with the server side through Windows communication foundation(WCF) service for retrieving real-time monitored data.By combining the main wiring diagrams,the power quality real-time monitoring for the whole ADN is realized,while the integrated display of graphics and data is realized.The system has successfully been used in an ADN demonstration project in Guangdong Province,and is able to provide effective data for making control strategies and solving power quality problems in AND,which verifies the reliability and practicability of the system.%设计并实现了一套面向服务的浏览器/服务器(B/S)模式主动配电网电能质量实时监测系统,提供主动配电网逐层消纳分布式电源过程的电能质量实时监测功能,重点观测潮流方向变化对电能质量水平的影响。该系统基于 IEC 61850标准建立电能质量信息模型,通过制造报文规范(MMS)将现场电能质量实时监测数据上传到主站解析并存入实时数据库;采用 Silverlight 技术对主动配电网主接线进行建模和绘制,客户端通过 Windows 通信基础(WCF)服务与服务器端通信,获取实时监测数据,并结合主接线图实现主动配电网电能质量全局实时监测功能,达到数据图形一体化展示效果。该系统在广东某地区主动配电网示范工程中正常运行使用,为主动配电网控制策略制定及电能质量问题分析治理提供了有效数据支持,证明了系统的可靠性和实用性。



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