首页> 中文期刊>地域研究与开发 >1957—2011年中国中部不同气候带气候变化及其与ENSO的关系




According to the meteorological data of Hubei, Henan and Shanxi Province in central China, we discussed the climate change properties of three climate zones including humid subtropics, semi-humid warm tem-perature zone, and semiarid warm temperature zone from 1957 to 2011, also analyzed the relationship with ENSO e-vents.There exist significant climate differences between the four regions.The precipitation concentration degrees increase and precipitation concentration periods shorten obviously from south to north.The precipitation in central Hubei and Henan had big fluctuation and unconspicuous change trend.However, the precipitation in other two re-gions follows fluctuating downward trend, with the decline rates of 14.0 and 10.7 mm/10a respectively.The tem-peratures of the four regions displayed warming trend since 1980s, then presented mutations during 1990s and turned to increase constantly.El Niňo events contributed precipitation decreasing and temperature rising at different degree for every climate zone above.La Niňa events, otherwise, had inverse influences.El Niňo events caused less precipitation for the semiarid and humid regions than the semi-humid regions, whose precipitation dropped by 19.4%and 2.4%, as compared to normal years.On the contrary, La Niňa events produced greater precipitation for central Henan in the semi-humid zone than other regions, whose precipitation increased by 15.7%, as com-pared to normal years.El Niňo events had bigger impact of rising temperature up to 0.24 ℃ for the semiarid re-gion, yet had least rise in temperature of central Henan in the semi-humid zone.La Niňa events produced less fall in temperature of four regions and also less regional differences.%依据湖北、河南与山西三省的气象资料,以湖北中部、河南中部、晋东南豫北和晋西北作为典型区域,研究1957—2011年中国中部亚热带湿润、温带半湿润、温带半干旱3个气候带气候变化特征及其与ENSO事件的关系.研究结果显示:研究区气候差异显著,自南向北降水集中程度增强、集中期明显缩短. 湖北中部、河南中部降水年际波动大且无明显变化趋势,晋东南豫北地区、晋西北降水呈波动减少趋势. 自20世纪80年代以来升温趋势显著,在90年代出现升温突变并呈持续上升趋势,且南北增温快,河南中部增温慢. 暖事件( El Niňo)具有使中部地区各气候带不同程度的降水减少和气温升高作用,冷事件( La Niňa)则相反. 暖事件使半干旱区和湿润区降水减少较多,使半湿润区减少幅度较小;冷事件使半湿润区的河南中部降水增加较多,使湿润区和半干旱区增幅较小. 暖事件使半干旱区升温幅度最大,半湿润区的河南中部升温幅度最小;冷事件使气温下降幅度均较小,且不存在明显区域差异.



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