首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机应用研究》 >一种新型射频功放建模结构LMEC研究及预失真应用




针对现代无线通信系统中射频功率放大器的强非线性特征,提出了一种高精度、低复杂度的LMEC(LUT-MP-EMP-CIMT)模型.该模型由查找表(LUT)、记忆多项式(MP)、包络记忆多项式(EMP)及记忆交叉项(CIMT)并联构成.与并联双非线性两箱模型(PTNTB)相比,LMEC模型增加了EMP子模型和CIMT子模型.实验结果表明,LMEC模型能带来更好的建模精度和线性化效果,较MP模型的建模精度提升了2.9dB,邻信道功率比(ACPR)值降低约5dB;较PTNTB模型精度提升了1.1dB,ACPR值降低约3dB;与通用记忆多项式模型(GMP)相比性能相近,但减少了50%的系数.%According to the strong memory effect characteristics of the RF power amplifier in modern wireless communication system,this paper introduced a new,accurate,and complexity-reduced LMEC model.This model was composed of a look-up table(LUT),a memory polynomial(MP),an envelope MP(EMP) and a cross items between memory times(CIMT),which were all connected in parallel.Compared with the parallel twin nonlinear two-box(PTNTB) model,LMEC model increased the EMP and CIMT.The measure results,in both behavioral modeling and digital predistortion applications,show that LMEC method can acquire better modeling accuracy and linear effect.Compared with the MP model,LMEC method increases the accuracy 2.9 dB and reduces the adjacent channel power ratio(ACPR) almost 5 dB.Compared with the PTNTB model,LMEC method increases the accuracy 1.1 dB and reduces the ACPR almost 3 dB.And it shows the same accuracy as the GMP model but with an approximately 50% reduction in the number of coefficients.



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