首页> 中文期刊> 《廉政文化研究》 >政府投资项目集中代建模式下的工程保廉机制




当前,我国各地对非经营性政府投资项目,大多通过集中代建机构负责建设实施。专业化的集中统一管理,对于工程的反腐保廉建设具有积极意义。但代建机构和代建行为本身也存在廉政风险,由于权力的相对集中,往往附带产生腐败风险的集聚。因此,必须针对代建模式下项目实施的重点部位和关键环节,尤其是在招标投标、施工监管、验收结算等方面,建立起规范化、制度化的防腐保廉机制。在代建机构的内部要形成既相辅相成又相互制约的运行体系,在代建机构外部的各监管单位要建立起有效的监督制衡机制,真正将代建项目建设成为廉政工程、放心工程。%Non-business projects invested by the government all over China are usually constructed by building agencies. Specialized and centralized management exerts positive meanings on combating corruption and guaranteeing integrity. However, the possibilities of corruption exist in building agencies and agent construction. The centralization (ff power will breed the convergence of corruption in most cases. Consequently, we should establish the standard and institutional ensuring integrity mechanism in the important part and key link under the mode of agent construction. Special attention shouhl go to tender and bid activities, construction supervision, final check and project cost. Mutually supplementing and restricting function mechanism ought to be established inside the building agencies. Respective supervising departments should also establish effective monitoring and balancing mechanism so as to let agent construction become anti-corruplion and quality-oriented projects.



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