首页> 中文期刊> 《廉政文化研究》 >马克思主义廉洁型执政党:内涵、特征及其建设价值




The construction of a clean ruling party of Marxism is an inevitable requirement put forward by its nature, guideline and historical mission. A clean ruling party of Marxism always practices the pursuit of its core value:people-oriented, pragmatic and honest. It has the following basic characteristics which include the advanced nature, strict disciplines, close ties with the masses, zero tolerance of corruption, examples set by leaders and democracy executed in the Party. The construction of a clean ruling party of Marxism helps a party within a long term of ruling to preserve its advanced nature, to consolidate its ruling legit-imacy foundation, and to comprehensively improve the level of scientific party building.%建设马克思主义廉洁型执政党,是党的性质、宗旨及其承担历史使命的必然要求。马克思主义廉洁型执政党始终践行为民、务实、清廉的核心价值追求,具有性质先进、纪律严明、密切联系群众、对腐败零容忍、领袖率先垂范、实行党内民主等基本特征。建设马克思主义廉洁型执政党,有助于党在长期执政条件下永葆先进,有助于巩固党执政的合法性基础,有助于全面提高党的建设科学化水平。



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