首页> 中文期刊> 《畜牧与饲料科学》 >驼绒藜属3种植物开花习性及雌花柱头微形态研究




A study of 3 Ceratoides species for their flowering habit,daily flowering dynamic change,fertility,and stigma micromophology showed that the male flowers of C. arborescens and C. latens reached their full bloom at 8:00-10:00 am,while the male flowering peak of C. lanata falls on 11 : 00-13 : 00. The bloom peak of the female flowers of all 3 occurred at 14 : 00. Though the most congenial temperature for flowering of all the 3 species was 20-24 ℃, the female stigma micromorphology of C. arborescens was best suited for gathering pollen than the other 2 species. Therefore,C. arborescens boasts the highest seed- bearing rate. Moreover, the flowering period of C. arborescens and C. latens last longer than that of C. lanata, and the highest seed-bearing rate of C. arborescens, and the lowest seed-bearing rate of C. lanata.%研究驼绒藜属3种植物开花规律、开花日动态、结实率及柱头微形态。结果表明.华北驼绒藜和驼绒藜雄花开花高峰均在上午8:00—10:00,有利于传粉和受精,而北美驼绒藜雄花在中午11:00-13:00达开放高峰,其雌雄花开花高峰期不一致,不利于传粉、受精,从而结实率降低。三者的开花最适温度基本一致,都在20~24℃。三者的雌花均在下午14:00左右达到开放高峰。雌花柱头微形态研究结果表明,华北驼绒藜的柱头有利于接受花粉,而北美驼绒藜的柱头不利于接受花粉。此外.华北驼绒藜与驼绒藜的雌、雄花花期相遇结实率较高,而北美驼绒藜因花期不遇.故导致结实率低。



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