首页> 中文期刊> 《农技服务》 >300 g/L爱苗EC对两种常见水稻病害的药效比较

300 g/L爱苗EC对两种常见水稻病害的药效比较



爱苗由苯醚甲环唑与丙环唑混配而成,对水稻纹枯病和稻曲病均有很好的防治效果.用30%爱苗EC 300 ml/hm2、225 ml/hm2和150 ml/hm2第1次药后17 d对水稻纹枯病防效分别为64.66%、60.88%和46.00%;第2次用药后15 d,用30%爱苗300 ml/hm2、225ml/hm2防效分别51.28%、48.82%.比5%井冈霉素防效分别高出9.67%、4.4%.产量调查表明:使用爱苗具有一定的增产作用.用30%爱苗300 ml/hm2、225 m1/hm2对稻曲病防效分别达83.87%、82.85%,比5%井冈霉素(4 500 ml/hm2)防效分别提高为23.25%、21.75%.比20%三唑酮(750 ml/hm2)防效分别提高1.65倍、1.62倍.产量调查表明:使用爱苗同井冈霉素、三唑酮相比具有明显增产作用.爱苗能有效防治水稻纹枯病和稻曲病,同时提高单株结实率,提高千柱重,具有一定的增产效果.%Armure was made from difenoconazole and Propiconazole,and it have a very good effect for the rice sheath blight and rice false smut.30%Armure EC 300.225 and 150 ml/hm2 of rice sheath blight control effect are 64.66%,60.88%and 46.00%,respectively;the second applying,Armure 300,225 ml/hm2 of control effect are 51.28%,48.82%,respectively,and more than 5% Validamyein of control effect are higher,and 4.4%、9.67%respectively.Output survey showed that:Armure has a certain yield-increasing role.Gontrol effect of 30%Armure 300.225 m1/hm2 are 83.87%、82.85%in rice fatfie smut,respectively,are 23.25%,21.75% hisher than 5%Validamycin (4 500 ml/hm2),respectively,and control effect of Armurc are higherl.65,1.62 times than 20%Triadimefon(750 ml/hm2).Output Survey showed that:compared to Validamycin and Triadimefon,the yield-increasing effect is obvious.Arnlure can effectively prevent rice sheath blight and rice false smut.then increase seed.setting rate 1 000-grain Weight,and have effects to increase the yield of rice.



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