首页> 外文期刊>农业科学与技术(英文版) >小城镇污水厂污泥和矿山污水综合处理探讨


机译:Discussion on Comprehensive Treatments of Sewage Sludge and Mine Wastewater in Small Towns小城镇污水厂污泥和矿山污水综合处理探讨

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An engineering technology for the comprehensive treatments of sewage sludge and mine wastewater in smal town was introduced. As fil ing materials, gangue to fil in the col apse basin, construction waste, household refuse and ex-cess sludge as wel as clay were mixed with water into organic fil ing soil, turning the waste sludge into useful soil matrix, which solved the difficulties in growing plants in the reclaimed land that lack of organic soil. The col apse basin was de-signed into oxidation pond, wetland and land infiltration system to treat industrial wastewater and domestic wastewater, realizing the up-to-standard release after sewage treatment.%介绍了一种小城镇污水厂污泥和矿山污水综合处理的工程技术,利用煤矸石、建筑垃圾、生活垃圾和剩余污泥与粘土作为填充材料充填到塌陷盆地中,与水混合生成有机充填土,使污泥转化成为土壤基质,将污泥变废为宝,解决了土地复垦缺乏适合植物生长条件的有机土的难题;把塌陷盆地设计成氧化塘、湿地和土地渗滤系统对生产废水、生活污水进行处理,实现了污水处理后的达标排放。
机译:An engineering technology for the comprehensive treatments of sewage sludge and mine wastewater in smal town was introduced. As fil ing materials, gangue to fil in the col apse basin, construction waste, household refuse and ex-cess sludge as wel as clay were mixed with water into organic fil ing soil, turning the waste sludge into useful soil matrix, which solved the difficulties in growing plants in the reclaimed land that lack of organic soil. The col apse basin was de-signed into oxidation pond, wetland and land infiltration system to treat industrial wastewater and domestic wastewater, realizing the up-to-standard release after sewage treatment.%介绍了一种小城镇污水厂污泥和矿山污水综合处理的工程技术,利用煤矸石、建筑垃圾、生活垃圾和剩余污泥与粘土作为填充材料充填到塌陷盆地中,与水混合生成有机充填土,使污泥转化成为土壤基质,将污泥变废为宝,解决了土地复垦缺乏适合植物生长条件的有机土的难题;把塌陷盆地设计成氧化塘、湿地和土地渗滤系统对生产废水、生活污水进行处理,实现了污水处理后的达标排放。



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