首页> 外文期刊>农业科学与技术(英文版) >我国农村金融发展和农民收入增长的实证分析


机译:我国农村金融发展和农民收入增长的实证分析Empirical Analysis on Rural Financial Development and Farmers' lncome lncrease in China

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The growth of farmer's incomes is cIoseIy reIated to rural finance. The research analyzed the dynamic reIationship of rural financial deveIopment, efficiency and farmer's incomes based on VAR modeI, and the resuIts indicated that the ex-pansion of rural finance wouId stimuIate farmer's incomes in a Iong term, and the growth of rural financial efficiency significantIy improves farmer's incomes in a short term, instead of a Iong term. Hence, it is necessary to introduce more credit funds and social funds to rural areas, deepen rural financial system reform and acceIerate use rate of Ioan capital and enhance guidance for farmers and township enterprises in use of Ioan capitals.%农民收入增长离不开农村金融的支持,本文基于VAR模型的脉冲响应函数分析了农村金融发展规模、效率与农民收入之间的动态关系。结果表明,农村金融规模的扩大,在短期内不能促进农民收入增长,但长期来看,农村金融规模扩大对农民收入增长有明显的拉动作用。农村金融效率的提高,在短期内显著地增加了农民收入,但长期看来,农村金融效率的提高对农民收入增长的影响并不显著。因此,应深化农村金融体制改革,引导更多的信贷资金和社会资金投向农村,并加大对贷款农户使用资金的指导,提高贷款资金的使用效率。
机译:The growth of farmer's incomes is cIoseIy reIated to rural finance. The research analyzed the dynamic reIationship of rural financial deveIopment, efficiency and farmer's incomes based on VAR modeI, and the resuIts indicated that the ex-pansion of rural finance wouId stimuIate farmer's incomes in a Iong term, and the growth of rural financial efficiency significantIy improves farmer's incomes in a short term, instead of a Iong term. Hence, it is necessary to introduce more credit funds and social funds to rural areas, deepen rural financial system reform and acceIerate use rate of Ioan capital and enhance guidance for farmers and township enterprises in use of Ioan capitals.%农民收入增长离不开农村金融的支持,本文基于VAR模型的脉冲响应函数分析了农村金融发展规模、效率与农民收入之间的动态关系。结果表明,农村金融规模的扩大,在短期内不能促进农民收入增长,但长期来看,农村金融规模扩大对农民收入增长有明显的拉动作用。农村金融效率的提高,在短期内显著地增加了农民收入,但长期看来,农村金融效率的提高对农民收入增长的影响并不显著。因此,应深化农村金融体制改革,引导更多的信贷资金和社会资金投向农村,并加大对贷款农户使用资金的指导,提高贷款资金的使用效率。



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