首页> 中文期刊>干旱地区农业研究 >不同氮磷营养条件下苗期水分亏缺对玉米生长及水分利用的影响




利用盆栽,以玉米兴民- 338为试验材料,采用随机区组设计了3个氮磷水平和4个水分亏缺处理,研究不同水分亏缺和氮磷营养对玉米生长、干物质累积及水分利用效率的影响.试验表明:在氮磷营养相同情况下,玉米苗期轻度亏水对玉米干物质累积有显著的补偿效应,水分利用效率也有很大的提高.和不亏水(CK)相比较,苗期轻度亏水处理,复水21天后,在N0P0、N1 P1、N2P2三种施肥处理条件下玉米干物质总量分别增加了21.84%、22.22%、19.50%,中度和重度亏水则显著影响干物质累积.在亏水条件相同时,施用氮磷不同用量也对玉米的生长和发育有一定的影响.研究表明,在试验的土壤条件下,苗期轻度亏水和氮磷施用量为0.1 gN/kg土、0.05 P2O5g/kg土的组合处理最有利于玉米的生长和水分利用效率的提高.%An experiment in pots was carried out to study the effect of water deficit during the seedling stage on growth, dry matter accumulation and water use efficiency of maize named Xingmin - 338 on the condition of different N and P by providing three nitrogen phosphor levels and four water deficit treatments. The results showed that in the same application of N and P nutrition, slight water deficit during the seedling stage had marked compensation effect on dry matter accumulation and improved water use efficiency of maize. Compared with CK, dry matter accumulation of maize was increased "by 21 .84% , 22.22% and 19.50% respectively 21 days after rewatering and with the three treatments of N0P0, N1P1 and N2P2- Medium water deficit and serious water deficit during the seedling stage reduced dry matter accumulation . In the same water deficit, low N and P fertilizer application was beneficial for maize growth and development. Therefore, the pilot study found that slight water deficit plus low N and P levels during the seedling stage was an ideal water and fertilizer coupling.



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