首页> 中文期刊> 《干旱地区农业研究》 >旱作农田绿豆微集水技术及其效应研究




A field experiment was conducted to determine the effects of mode 150 cm( DX1) , mode 120 cm( DX2), mode 80 cm(DX3), film-covered double-furrow(DX4), flat film-covered(DX5) and traditional cultivation(CK) six micro-water-harvesting techniques on soil water use efficiency and grain yield of mung bean in Shenmu, the northern of Shaanxi. The results show that there are obvious effects of micro-water-harvesting techniques compared with traditional cultivation (CK). They can significantly increase water storage capacity in the 0 ~ 40 cm soil layer, as well as speed up growth and leaf area, biomass and chlorophyll content. The DX4 has the best effect, in which the grain yield and water use efficiency increase by 24.5% and 32.88%, while DX5, DX3, DX2 and DX1 are also up to remarkable level. Therefore, the micro-water-harvesting techniques have large water storage capacity and can increase grain yield and water use efficiency.%在陕北神木,设置带型150 cm( DX1)、带型120 cm(DX2)、带型80 cm(DX3)、双沟覆膜(DX4)、平膜穴播(DX5)、露地平作(CK)6种微集水种植模式,观测各模式对绿豆产量及水分利用效率的影响.结果表明,与露地平作相比,微集水种植模式条件下土壤表层(0 ~ 40 cm)含水量高,绿豆生育期提前,叶面积、生物量和叶绿素含量显著增加;不同微集水模式中,双沟覆膜(DX4)集水效果最为明显,绿豆籽粒产量及水分利用效率分别较对照提高24.5%和32.88%,DX5、DX3、DX2、DX1差异均达到显著水平.因此,微集水技术具有较好的聚雨保墒效果,能明显提高绿豆籽粒产量及水分利用效率.



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