首页> 中文期刊> 《干旱地区农业研究》 >种植模式对旱地玉米光合特性和产量的影响




In order to further optimize the high-yielding cultivation techniques of maize in semi-arid region of Central Gansu Province and improve the efficiency of limited water and soil resources,the field experiment was conducted for studying the effects of photosynthetic rate (Pn),transpiration rate (Tr),stomatal conductance (Gs),intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) and grain yield of maize in maize-potato intercropping and monoculture under double ridges and furrow with plastic-film mulching,flat planting with plastic-film mulching and flat planting without mulching from 2014 to 2015.The results showed that:(1) The diurnal variation of Pn and Tr in the maize tasseling stage under different planting pattems showed a single peak and then descended,and the peak appeared at about 12:00 pm.The Pn and Tr of double ridges and furrow with plastic-film mulching was higher than that of the flat planting with plastic-film mulching and flat planting without mulching,also the Pn and Tr of intercropping was higher than that of monoculture.And Pn,Tr and Gs of maize were the highest under double ridges and furrow with plastic-fihn mulching in the maize-potato intercropped.(2)The LER of maize-potato intercropped was more than 1,and the grain yield of maize was 5 451.35 kg· hm-2 under double ridges and furrow with plastic-film mulching in the maize-potato intercropped,compared with intercropping under flat planting without mulching increased by 66.00%,especially in the years of low rainfall,the yield effect is more obvious.Therefore,the maize-potato intercroped planting patterns are feasible to further improve the yield of maize and the efficiency of water and soil in the rain-fed agricultural region of Central Gansu Province,and the maizepotato intercropped under double ridges and furrow with plastic-film mulching is a better planting pattern.%为进一步优化陇中半干旱区玉米高产栽培技术,提高有限水土资源利用效率,2014-2015年采用田间试验,研究了玉米马铃薯间作和单作下全膜沟垄作、全膜平作和露地平作对玉米抽雄期光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)及子粒产量的影响.结果表明:(1)不同种植模式下玉米抽雄期叶片Pn和Tr的日变化均呈先升后降的单峰曲线,峰值出现在中午12:00左右,全膜沟垄作高于平作和露地,间作高于单作;全膜沟垄作玉米间作马铃薯下的玉米Pn、Tr和Gs均最高.(2)全膜沟垄作、全膜平作和露地平作的玉米间作马铃薯,土地当量比(LER)均大于1,以全膜沟垄作玉米间作马铃薯优势最为突出,其间作下玉米子粒产量为5 451.35kg·hm-2,较露地间作提高了66.00%,特别是在降水量偏少的年份,增产效果更明显.因此,在陇中雨养农业区进一步提高玉米产量和水土资源利用效率,引入间作是可行的,全膜沟垄作玉米间作马铃薯是较佳的种植模式.



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