首页> 中文期刊> 《农业生物技术:英文版》 >Differential Expression of miRNAs in Rice under High Temperature Stress

Differential Expression of miRNAs in Rice under High Temperature Stress



The growth and development of rice are closely related with temperature. In order to clarify the mechanism of high temperature resistance in rice,in this study,using high temperature-resistant Indian rice cultivar N22 as the experimental material,Osa-miR159 c,Osa-miR159 d,Osa-miR159 f,Osa-miR164 d,OsamiR529b and Osa-miR166h-3p obtained by high-throughput sequencing as target genes,the expression patterns of these genes in young panicles of rice under high temperature stress were analyzed by RNA-tailing and primer-extension RT-PCR,which provided theoretical basis for breeding high temperature-resistant rice cultivars.




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