首页> 中文期刊>航空制造技术 >激光增材制造毛坯与传统锻件铸件差异性分析




通过收集和整理国内外技术标准,对比分析了激光增材制造毛坯与传统锻造和铸造毛坯在成形工艺、显微组织、缺陷及其形成原因、内部质量以及力学性能等方面的差异.结果表明,激光增材制造较传统工艺整体制造周期短、材料利用率高;激光增材制造毛坯气孔能达到A1级别,稍低于锻造的AA级别,气孔级别能达到铸件的B级;激光增材制造钛合金纵横向屈服强度和拉伸强度分别比锻造和铸造低3.4%和0.78%.%After collecting and sorting the domestic and foreign standards,we analyzed the differences between laser additive manufacturing (LAM) and the conventional forging and casting in forming technology,microstructure,defects and the causes,intemal quality and mechanical properties.It revealed that compared with conventional forming and casting,the manufacturing cycle of LAM is shorter and the material utilization is higher;the porosity in the blank fabricated by LAM can reach class A1,which is lower than forging class AA,and can reach casting class B.Yield strength of titanium alloy by LAM in transverse and horizontal is lower than forging and casting by 3.4%,and tensile strength of titanium alloy by LAM is lower than that of forging and casting by 0.78% respectively.



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