首页> 中文期刊> 《水利水电科技进展》 >海啸波引起的近岸房屋局部冲刷试验




An experimental study of local scour around a seaside single house and a group of houses by tsunami waves was carried out in a wave tank. The experimental results show that local scour occurs around the house, especially on the sea side due to a hydraulic drop generated by tsunami wave overtopping and the disturbed flow generated by tsunami waves passing through the house. The hydraulic drop is the main cause of local scour and disturbed flow is the secondary cause. For a single house, the empirical relationship between the relative maximum scour depth and relative overtopping height of the tsunami wave was established. For a group of houses, the empirical relationships between the maximum local scour depth and the tsunami wave height, house width, house height, the number of houses, and center spacing of houses were established. The internal relation between the maximum local scour depth and the incident wave height, house size and layout was determined.%基于波浪水槽,分别考虑独栋和房屋群两种情况,开展海啸波引起的近岸房屋局部冲刷试验研究,分别建立了独栋房屋情况下相对最大冲刷深度与海啸波相对越顶高度关系式和房屋群情况下局部最大冲刷深度与海啸波波高、房屋宽度、房屋高度、房屋数量、房屋间的中心间距的关系式.试验结果表明在海啸波越顶水流产生的水跌以及海啸波通过房屋时产生的扰流共同作用下,房屋周围,特别是海侧会产生明显的局部冲刷坑;回落水流水跌是局部冲刷坑产生的主要因素,扰流是次要因素.所建立的关系式揭示了最大局部冲刷深度与海啸波、房屋尺寸、房屋布局的内在联系.



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