首页> 中文期刊> 《针刺研究》 >针刺对脑功能性网络连接的影响




目的:通过研究脑功能性网络的连接特性探讨针刺对脑部的作用.方法:首先设计了针刘足三里采集脑电(EEG)信号的实验;然后采用相干估计法分析9位志愿者((6位男性,3位女性)针刺前、针利中和针刺后各阶段EEG信号的同步特性并建立相应的脑同步性矩阵和脑功能性网络.结果:通过针刺中、针刺后与针刺前的状态相比观察到,针刺足三里会显著提高EEG信号的S频段和Y频段的同步性.通过对脑功能性网络的节点度分析发现,针刺足三里会增加脑部区域的度;进一步分析发现针刺会大量增加己频段内脑部远端区域间长距离连接的数目,从而增强脑功能性网络的聚类系数,降低其平均路径长度.结论:针刘足三里能够协调脑部不同区域间的电活动,具有提高脑部远端区域间信息交流的效果,并且这种效果是对脑部有益的.%Objective To observe the effect of acupuncture of Zusanli (ST 36) on electroencephalogram (EEG) so as to probe into its law in regulating the interconnectvity of brain functional network. Methods A total of 9 healthy young volunteer students (6 male, 3 female) participated in the present study. They were asked to take a dorsal position on a test-bed. EEG signals were acquired from 22 surface scalp electrodes (Fp1, Fp2, F7. F3, Fz, F4, F8, A1, T3, C3, C2, C4, T4, A2, T5. P3, P2, P4, T6, Oz, O1and O2) fixed on the subject's head. Acupuncture stimulation was applied to the right Zusanli (ST 36) by manipulating the filiform needle with uniform reducing-reinforcing method and at a frequency of about 50 cycles/min for 2 min. Then the stimulation was stopped for 10 min, and repeated once again (needle-twirling frequency ; 150 and 200 cycles/min). 3 times altogether. The acquired EEG data were analyzed by using coherence estimation method, average path length, average clustering coefficient, and the average degree of the articulation points (nodes) for analyzing the synchronization of EEG signals before, during and after acupuncture. Results In comparison with pre-acupuncture, the coherence amplitude values of EEG-6 (1 - 4 Hz) and y (31-47 Hz) waves were increased significantly after acupuncture of ST 36. No significant changes were found in the amplitude values of EEG-8 (5- 8 Hz), -α (9- 13 Hz) and-p" (14- 30 Hz) waves after acupuncture stimulation. During and after acupuncture, the synchronism values of EEG-6 waves of different leads and numbers of interconnectivity between every two brain functional regions in majority of the 9 volunteers were increased clearly. In all volunteers, the degree values of all nodes except A 1 and A2, the average clustering coefficients along with the increase of the threshold (r) , and the average path lengths of the brain functional network of EEG-5 waves during and after acupuncture were also increased evidently (the latter two items, P<0. 05), suggesting an increase of the information exchange and functional connectivity of different brain regions. Conclusion Acupuncture of Zusanli (ST 36) can increase the amplitude and synchronization of EEG-6 waves of different leads, and potentiate the functional interconnectivity of brain functional network.



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