首页> 中文期刊> 《沉积学报》 >中国南天山西部冲断褶皱系前缘区的运动学特征




The Southern Tianshan thrust - fold systems are thin skin thrust structural belts formed after Miocene andPliocene. Thrusting resulted in Palaozoic - Cenozoic clastic and carbonate rocks deforming in basin and margins re-gions The kinematics characters of thrust front regions (Northern Bainkuluti and Kashi)were discussedTheSouthern Tianshan thrust - fold systems were divided into six structural belts on plane and two tectonic layers insection. The blind thrust structural deltas were formed in thrust belts front. Thrusting made for Miocene strata de-formation, uplift and denudation. There were two detachment surfaces. Thrusting on detachment surfaces gradu-ally spreaded toward foreland and formed fault- related folds. That embranchment faults formed during structureactivity made thrust belts more complication. The author indicated that thrust propagating of the Southern Tian-shan thrust - fold systems were inverted sequence. The results were different from sequence of thrust - fold belts inWestern Kunlun Mountain. It implicated that the Southern Tianshan thrust- fold systems were provided with u-nique kinematics characters. Using method of the balanced section, the structural crossing section was made andrestored on the based of geology and geophysical data. Sequentially these were got that shorting percentage of theSouthern Tianshan thrust- fold systems was 30%、that shorting amount was 50km and that shorting velocity was9 - 10mm/a.%南天山冲断褶皱系是中-上新世以来形成的以薄皮滑脱为主的冲断构造,冲断作用导致了盆地内及周缘区古-新生界的碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩地层发主形变。本文对该冲断系前缘区(巴音库鲁提北部至喀什地区)的运动学特征进行了研究。rn 南天山冲断褶皱系从平面上分出了六个冲断褶皱带。从剖面上划分出两种不同的冲断体系。冲断系的前锋为盲冲结构的构造三角带。rn 冲断作用导致前锋区中新世以来层系变形、抬升并出露地表,本区有两个区域性的主滑脱面,冲断作用及断层相关褶皱的形成是冲断层沿主滑脱面向前陆方向逐渐推进的结果。同时发育的次级冲断层导致冲断褶皱带的复杂化。rn 文章同时指出,南天山冲断褶皱系的冲断扩展顺序为逆序。这与塔里木盆地南缘西昆仑山前冲断带的活动方式相反,暗示着南天山构造带的运动学特征是独特的。利用平衡地质剖面的方法,在综合地质和地球物理资料的基础上,作出本区的构造横剖面图并进行了平衡恢复,从而得出南天山冲断褶皱系前缘区上新世以来的南北缩短率为30%,缩短量为50 km,缩短速率为9~10 mm/a。



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