首页> 中文期刊>南开大学学报(自然科学版) >一种宽锁定范围多模2/3/4/5分频LC注入锁定分频器




提出了一种工作于3.55-12.15 GHz的2/3/4/5分频的注入锁定分频器(ILFD).该分频器使用了一种新颖的多模分频模块来提高注入节点的阻抗,从而增强高阶谐波并在4种分频比之间进行切换,同时保证每种分频比都具有较宽的锁定范围.在注入功率为0 dBm的测试条件下,2/3/4/5分频的锁定范围分别是29.1%、29.3%、29.5%和29.9%.该分频器基于0.18 μmCMOS工艺实现.总芯片面积和核心芯片面积分别是0.98×1.34mm2相0.32×0.84 mm2.该分频器供电电压1.5 V,功耗为15 mW.%A divide-by-2/3/4/5 injection locked frequency divider (ILFD) that can operate at 3.5512.15 GHz is presented.A simple but novel multi-mode division block,which increases the impedance of the injection node,is employed to enhance high order harmonics and to switch between the 4 division modes.wide locking range for high division ratios is maintained.With an injection power level of 0 dBm,the locking ranges of the divide-by-2/3/4/5 mode are 29.1%,29.3%,29.5% and 29.9%,respectively.The ILFD is implemented based on 0.18 μm CMOS process.The total chip area and core die area are 0.98×1.34 mm2 and 0.32×0.84 mm2,respectively.The supply voltage is 1.5 V and the power dissipation of the ILFD core is 15 mW.



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