首页> 中文期刊>海洋学报(中文版) >HY-2卫星散射计热带气旋自动识别算法




An automated cyclone detection algorithm based on HY-2 wind data was studied.Two steps were in-cluded in this algorithm,which were coarse identification and precise identification.The histogram features of the wind speed and wind direction of cyclone was used for a coarse identification,so that some apparent non-tropical cyclone zones can be excluded rapidly.And then a more precise identification which makes use of the circulation property of cyclone was applied to the wind data which could pass the coarse identification.With the two steps i-dentification algorithm,rapid and accurate identification of tropical cyclones can be implemented.As an example,a sequence of HY-2 L2B wind data was used to identify and track severe tropical storm Doksuri 2012,the result showed that cyclone could be correctly identified with our method,which demonstrated the feasibility and useful-ness of our automated approach.%对基于 HY-2卫星散射计风矢量产品的热带气旋自动识别算法进行了研究。算法分为粗搜索与精搜索两部分。粗搜索利用热带气旋风场的风速与风向分布直方图特征确定搜索的阈值,快速剔除比较容易识别的非热带气旋区域。在此基础上,精搜索利用热带气旋风向的螺旋状分布特征,通过搜索目标区域内是否存在螺旋状流线的方法,确定目标区域的风向是否存在螺旋状流线特征,从而实现对热带气旋的准确自动识别。作为示例,将该方法应用到对 HY-2散射计观测到的2012年6号强热带风暴“杜苏芮”的自动识别,结果表明,本文提出的算法可以从 HY-2散射计风场数据中准确有效的自动识别出热带气旋。



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