首页> 中文期刊>测绘学报 >多比例尺地图中居民地要素之间的关联关系及其在空间数据更新中的应用




Links which connect different images of the same spatial object are formal expression of corresponding matching relationship among multi-scale spatial data .How to construct and maintain these links becomes one of the kernel aspects of multi-scale data propagating updating process .After deeply studying the researches of domestic and overseas , a multi-scale spatial data linking tree (MSDLT ) is proposed after achieving the corresponding matching relationship between neighborhood scale spatial data .The links are expressed in the form of multi-scale index .The data gap of the tree is optimized by using of the virtual-link .The propagating route and mode are observed and investigated through the example of updating action such as new operation , update operation and delete operation etc .Test illustrated that multi-scale spatial data linking tree can steadily steer propagating process through correctly constructing and maintaining the links between neighbor scale data .%多比例尺地图中同名对象之间关联关系的建立和动态维护是多尺度空间数据级联更新的关键技术环节,是更新得以传递的桥梁和纽带。在对相邻比例尺同名对象对应关系分析的基础上,以居民地要素为例,提出一种树型多比例尺空间数据关联关系模型。该模型首先对相邻比例尺同名居民地对象建立关联,然后以树的形式组织管理各种关联关系,并针对选取造成的数据空洞进行优化;利用更新中的新建、修改和删除操作对更新在多比例尺关联关系树中的传递路径和模式进行了研究。最后级联更新试验表明,该模型能够动态反映相邻尺度同名对象之间的对应关系,能够引导更新操作沿着关联进行正确传递,具有一定的实用价值。



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