首页> 中文期刊> 《电子学报》 >网络分层的水下传感器网络覆盖保持路由算法




In the underwater sensor networks for underwater environment monitoring application,a network with suf-ficiently high coverage and connectivity rate is the guarantee of accomplishing the monitoring task.The NCPR algorithm, which is a underwater coverage preserving routing algorithm and oriented to improve the coverage performance,can effec-tively prolong the coverage time of the networks compared to the LEACH-Coverage-U algorithm.However,the connectivity performance of NCPR is defective,and in the algorithm there exist such a problem that the cluster heads close to the SINK node may die faster than other nodes because of the frequently forwarding of data.In this paper,we propose a distributed net-work unevenly layered coverage preserving routing algorithm (NULCPR)to improve the performance of NCPR.The net-work is established from SINK layer by layer,and the communication range of nodes increase with the layer departures form SINK.Each layer executes the NCPR algorithm independently to cluster the nodes in this layer,and the cluster node is used to establish a connective link to maintain the connectivity of the networks.The simulation results show that comparing with NCPR,NULCPR improves the connectivity and coverage rate of the networks,and makes the energy efficiency better.%在以监测为目的的水下传感器网络中,较好的网络覆盖率和连通率是完成监测任务的重要保证。以改善覆盖效果为目标的水下覆盖保持路由算法 NCPR 算法相对比 LEACH-Coverage-U 算法有效的延长了网络覆盖时间,但是该算法连通性表现较差,同时存在靠近 SINK 节点的簇首由于需要转发大量数据而过早死亡的问题。本文提出一种分布式的网络不均匀分层的覆盖保持路由(Network Unevenly Layered Coverage Preserving Routing,NULCPR)算法,由SINK 节点开始逐层向下建立网络,同时每层网络节点通信半径也随层号增加而逐渐增大。每层网络独立运行 NCPR算法以使该层节点成簇,并通过簇首向上建立连通链路以保证网络连通。仿真结果表明,与 NCPR 算法相比,NULCPR算法提高了网络连通率以及覆盖率,并且降低了网络能耗,证明了该算法的有效性。



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