首页> 中文期刊> 《中医药学报》 >周仲瑛教授治疗疑难杂症用药特色与经验撷英




Objective:To summarize administration features and academic experience of the great master of ZHOU Zhong -ying on difficult and complicated diseases. Methods:By clinic practice following the great master,study and summarize his administration features and academic experience on difficult and complicated diseases. Results:The great master Prof. ZHOU Zhong - ying pays exceptional attention to the diagnosis and giving system of syndrome differentiation and treatment , emphasizes on viscera as the dialectical core, especially focuses on pathogenic analysis, advocates the second cause theory (pathological factors) , points out that syndrome differentiation should be standard and know the specific changes by analyzing general ones; treatment should be matched with syndrome, but better call for more freedom from steorotyped thinking and search multiple channels of therapeutic Methods: pays attention to the combined therapeutic methods and flexible formulas, advocates learning his thought rather than his herbal medicine and distinguishing associated prescriptions; pursues combination medical theories and pharmacology when choosing herbal medicine, pursuing individuality from generality of the similar medicine and stressing the compatibility. The great master is an expert in flexible medication, and comprehensively apply other's experience,so always gets good efficacy in clinical practice. Conclusion: The great master Prof. ZHOU Zhong - ying has his own style of medication on difficult and complicated diseases, which has an inspirational function to improve our diagnosis and treatment level of TCM.%目的:总结周仲瑛教授辨治疑难杂症用药特色和学术经验.方法:通过临床跟师侍诊,研习、总结、归纳其治疗疑难杂症用药特色和经验.结果:国医大师周仲瑛教授治疗疑难杂症十分重视辨证论治诊疗体系的应用,强调脏腑是辨证的核心,尤其强调病机分析,力倡第二病因说(病理因素),指出辨证既应规范,又须知常达变;论治既须与证对应,更要从理论上扩大思路,多途径寻求治法;重视复合立法,认为方贵在变通,主张师其意而不泥其药,且要识辨类方的异同;选药必须力求医理与药理相结合,从同类药的共性中寻求个性,讲究配伍关系;用药善于变通,古今经验,常综合运用,用于临床,多有佳效.结论:国医大师周仲瑛教授临床辨治疑难杂症,用药独具匠心,特色颇具风格,对提高中医临证水平极具启迪作用.



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