首页> 中文期刊> 《江西农业学报》 >利用自然病圃初步评价茄子资源对青枯病的抗性




Bacterial wilt is a serious disease of eggplant in China and breeding for resistance is the primary control method. This study evaluated the resistance of 96 eggplant accessions (commercial varieties, germplasm resources and breeding lines) to bacterial wilt in the natural stress fields in three growing seasons. The results showed that the resistant and susceptible eggplants in the natural diseased fields could be obviously distinguished. There existed abundant genetic variance of bacterial - wilt - resistance in eggplant varieties collected in China, and the varieties from Southern China were more resistant to bacterial wilt than those from other areas. Most of the tested eggplant germplasm resources and breeding lines from South China Agricultural University had satisfactory resistance.%青枯病是危害我国茄子生产的严重病害,抗病育种是控制病害的根本途径.本研究结合资源的繁殖保存及选种在自然病圃对92份商业品种、资源、育种系及杂交组合的成株青枯病抗性进行了3批次调查,结果表明自然病圃可以明显区分抗、感材料,我国茄子品种青枯病抗性存在丰富变异,南方茄子比北方茄子抗性强;试验鉴定了一批本课题组收集的抗源材料及培育的自交系,多数材料对青枯病具有较强抗性.



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