首页> 中文期刊> 《江西农业学报》 >集体林权改革中的环境问题分析




简述了我国林权改革前森林资源保护状况.分析了林权改革政策实施后,盗砍盗伐现象依然存在,还衍生出林木质量下降、土地肥力下降、林业生产能力受限等问题.提出了从制定相关政策法规以解决好历史遗留问题、实现规模化和多样化经营以及深化林农环境意识、普及林业科学技术等措施来达到森林环境的生态效益与经济效益的双赢.%The paper briefly introduced the status of forest resources protection before the reformation of forest tenure in our country, and analyzed the problems in forest resources protection after the reformation of forest tenure, such as the still existent stealthy lopping phenomenon, the decline of wood quality and land fertility, and the restricted forestry production capacity. Finally, this article put forward the following measures for achieving the double wins (ecological benefit and economic benefit) of forest environment; constituting the relative policy and law rule to solve the historical problems, realizing large - scale and diversified management, strengthening the environmental protection awareness of farmers, and popularizing the forestry science and technology.



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