首页> 中文期刊> 《西北农业学报》 >保护性耕作对黄土高原旱田春玉米生物学效应的影响




于2006-2010年,在黄土高原中部高原沟壑区,研究保护性耕作对黄土高原春玉米生物学效应的影响.结果表明,与传统耕作相比,保护性耕作处理下春玉米在各关键生育时期次生根条数、株高、茎粗、穗位叶面积和农田生物量积累均较高,保护性耕作+植保防治处理下春玉米各生育时期均以保护性耕作处理下的BJG处理(保护性耕作+先正达包衣种子+金都尔耕杰植保碎秆浅旋秸秆全程覆盖)最高.耕作模式和植保防护措施对春玉米穗长、行粒数、穗粒数和千粒质量等产量构成指标影响较大,BJG和CC处理(保护性耕作+市售包衣种子+常规植保)与BO处理(保护性耕作+市售包衣种子+无杂草防治)、CK处理(传统耕作+市售包衣种子+无杂草防治)穗长差异极显著(P<0.01),保护性耕作下各处理间穗粒数和千粒质量间差异达极显著水平.保护性耕作增产明显,平均春玉米单株和大田产量增产幅度均高达25.31%,BJG处理春玉米单株和大田产量较BO和CK处理增产幅度分别达36.17%和41.48%.%In order to discover the biological effects of conservation tillage on spring maize in Loess Plateau, this research was carried out from 2006 to 2010. Compared with conventional tillage, spring maize plants treated with conservation tillage have more secondary roots,higher plant height,stem diameter, ear leaf area and farmland biomass accumulation in the key stages; the highest values were detected in the growth stages of spring maize with conservation tillage and BJG treatments. Conservation tillage and plant protection measures have big effects on the spring corn ear length, kernels per row,grain numbers per ear and 1000-grain weight. Ear length was significant different between BJG/ CC and BO/CK treatments,and grain numbers and 1000-grain mass under conservation tillage reachedthe significant different level bet-ween treatments. Significant increase of the yield was detected underconservation tillage,the average increase of maize yield per plant or area was as high as 25. 31 % , theyield of BJG treatment increased 36. 17% and 41. 48% compared to BO and CK treatment,respectively.



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