首页> 中文期刊>学术探索 >我国慈善供求平衡模式研究--基于34家省会电视台网站调研




A survey was carried out of charity demand reports on 34 provincial TV websites from 2009 to 2011.The results show that the number of charity demand information that is well-documented reached nearly 13,000 on the local television sta-tions,which accounts for only 3.1% of the total actually received by the stations,and 96.8% of the charity needs information failed to be satisfied.In some sense,this reflects the severe imbalance between supply and demand of charity in our country. Based on the supply and demand equilibrium theory,this paper analyzes the current disorders in the supply and demand imbal-ance of charity in China,and then puts forward the following suggestions:“dumbbell”charity supply mode,“down to up”char-ity demand expression mechanism,and establishing communication channels of charity supply and demand.%本课题组在2009-2011年间,对我国34家省会电视台的网站进行了慈善需求报道的调查统计,结果显示,仅仅地方电视台报道的慈善需求有据可查的就有将近1.3万条,而这只占到所调研电视台实际接收慈善需求总量的3.1%,96.8%的慈善需求报道信息没能得到满足。该调研结果从一个侧面反映出我国慈善供求的严重失衡。本文依据供求平衡理论,在分析我国现有慈善供需失衡障碍的基础上,提出了适合我国当前现状的“哑铃式”慈善供给模式、“下传上达”式慈善需求表达机制以及建立慈善供求交流渠道的具体建议。



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