首页> 中文期刊> 《中国高等学校学术文摘·历史学》 >'立家之道,闺室为重'——论唐代家庭生活中的夫妻关系




Conjugal relationship has a predominant role in ancient Chinese familial life.Yet most researches on conjugal relationship have tended to focus on the arrangement of marriage,disregarding marital life after wedding.It is the general impression that matrimonial relation follows the ethics of Confucian doctrine of"the husband as principle of the wife,"or relevant code of laws like "Seven Outs,"edited according to these principles.There are three factors that contribute to marital relationship in the Tang Dynasty:ideology,ethics,and written laws.Although written laws are influenced by Confucian ideology.and hence following Confucian system of manners,on the practical level,ordinance still appears as the most reliable source to analyze familial relationships.People in the Tang Dynasty stress family status when they marry wives,yet when marrying concubines,versatility is of interest.Whereas records in official history documents and epitaphs are not entirely accountable,the complicated relationships between husband and wife,husband and concubine.and that betweenwifeand concubine need to be further illustrated.%夫妻关系在中国古代家庭生活中具有核心意义.历来研究夫妻关系,主要着重于婚姻的缔结,而结婚之后的夫妻生活反而受到漠视,一般印象总为"夫为妻纲"的儒家伦理教条或者依据这些教条编纂的"七出"之类法典所笼罩.规范唐代夫妻关系的因素,有意识形态、道德习俗、成文法律三个层面.在家庭关系中,尽管成文法律受到儒家正统意识形态的支配,贯彻着儒家礼制文化精神,然而在实际生活层面,人伦常情仍然是判断实际生活中的家庭亲情关系的最可靠依据,唐人娶妻讲究门户,纳妾则重于才艺.唐代夫妻之间以及夫妾、妻妾之间的复杂关系,需要从多方面加以描述,不可完全轻信正史与墓志的记载.



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