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Toward a theory of collective mind: Collective mind through analogy in current bodies of knowledge.


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Current paradigms in organizational behavior and human resource development treat collective mind principally as the simple sum of thought processes within an organization. These paradigms view organizational change and learning as essentially a mass effort of modifying individual behavior. This worldview is also consistent with traditional Western philosophy and theology. However, implicit in much of the research and literature in organization theory, anthropology, and other life sciences is the idea of mind that is of a higher system order, and distinct from that of the aggregate collection.; The study conducted here uses a method of analogic discourse. The method has not been previously outlined in any substantial detail, but is based on well documented concepts of learning through analogy. Pursuit of the method was enhanced through the aid of computer software (NUD*IST) that is designed for ethnographic examination of unstructured qualitative data.; Using this method, it is possible to sort ideas developed through multiple analogies for high levels of material congruence called systematicity . This process is enabled by the constructs of General Systems Theory, and the Santiago Theory of Living System developed by Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela.; The findings of the study suggest that there is adductive or substantial evidence to conclude that organizations are higher order living systems. As such, these living systems have internal relationships among their subsystems, and structures that are causally associated with purpose. Having concluded that the nature of the collective may be observed as a life form, similar examination suggests that a distinct organizational cognition also exists. Analogies of cognition emerge from the concepts of self-identity and reality construction contained in the Santiago Theory, and clustered around the idea of relationships.; The shift in paradigm offered here promises entirely new ways to view data about living systems, from small groups to large organizations. Data from prior research might be re-examined for new and different conclusions from those originally postulated.
机译:当前组织行为和人力资源开发的范例主要将集体思维视为组织内思维过程的简单总结。这些范例将组织变革和学习本质上视为改变个人行为的一项巨大努力。这种世界观也与西方传统哲学和神学相一致。但是,在组织理论,人类学和其他生命科学的许多研究和文献中都隐含着思想观念,它具有较高的系统秩序,与总体集合的观念不同。这里进行的研究使用类比话语的方法。该方法之前没有进行任何实质性的概述,而是基于充分记录的通过类比学习的概念。借助计算机软件(NUD * IST),该方法的追求得到了增强,该软件专门用于人种学检查非结构化定性数据。使用这种方法,有可能对通过多个类推而开发的思想进行分类,以实现高水平的物质一致性,即系统性。这个过程是由通用系统理论和温贝托·马图拉纳(Humberto Maturana)和弗朗西斯科·瓦雷拉(Francisco Varela)共同开发的圣地亚哥生命系统理论的构建所推动的。该研究的发现表明,有内在证据或大量证据可以得出结论,组织是更高层次的生命系统。因此,这些生命系统在其子系统之间以及与目的有因果关系的结构之间具有内部关系。得出结论,可以将集体的本质视为一种生命形式,类似的检查表明,也存在着独特的组织认知。认知的类比源自圣地亚哥理论中所包含的自我认同和现实建构的概念,并以关系的概念为基础。此处提供的范式转换为查看有关生命系统的数据(从小型团体到大型组织)提供了全新的方式。可能需要重新检查先前研究的数据,以获得与最初假定的结论不同的新结论。



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