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Bone fracture healing process identification, modeling, and control using soft computing.


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Bone homeostasis, fracture, and fracture healing process identification, modeling, control and simulation using soft computing methodologies are presented. Although the focus is on the fracture healing process, models of bone homeostasis and fracture occurrence are developed to provide the necessary beginning and ending points. An integrated organ level portrayal bioelectrical, biochemical, and biomechanical processes during the healing of a mid-diaphysis tibial osteotomy is derived and realized in simulation. Individual bioelectrical, biochemical, and biomechanical models are developed solely from information and data concerning tibial fractures in humans gleaned from the open medical clinical and research literature. Models and their simulations contained herein present a proof of concept of the use of soft computing techniques in developing a trans-disciplinary model of the bone fracture healing process.; Multilevel and inter/intra-disciplinary model and controller integration is realized using methods from object oriented systems engineering, and large-scale systems modeling and control, modified for use with soft computing paradigms. Fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks, and chaotic systems are the principle soft computing paradigms employed either singularly or in mixtures to achieve acceptable model and controller synthesis and integration. Satisfying the original objective, the final product is a verified and validated, multi-level inter/intra-disciplinary soft computing based integrated model of an organ level, tibial fracture healing process.; To enable simulation studies of external osteogenic stimulation, pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation is modeled and incorporated. In addition, an organ system level bone mineral homeostasis regulation model is presented along with its integration with the bone fracture healing process. Also, the biofunctional behaviors associated with maintaining calcium serum levels in the face of low dietary calcium intake are modeled within a dynamic multi-objective decision making scheme and integrated with both the bone fracture healing and bone mineral homeostasis regulation models. The final architecture provides an integrated frame work in which any organism and its organ systems, organs, tissues, cells, molecules, …, processes, and biofunctional behaviors may be modeled. Finally, an in vivo integrated bioelectrical and biomechanical experiment using a rabbit model is presented.



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