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Conception et analyse de schemas de redondance pour grappe d'ordinateurs (French text).


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Most of the search undertaken in the field of the clusters of computers are intended for the scientific applications, that is to say for the high performance. The theories on the availability of clusters are rare, if not non-existent, because in the scientific field the profits of the continuity of service are less obvious. Through this research, our objective is to set up analytical models allowing us to implement and analyze redundancy schemes ensuring the continuity of service of the cluster, and their impacts on the overall performance of the cluster. The key word in clusters for high availability is the redundancy. Associated with the concept of failover, it would allow to reach availability of few seconds of loss of service per year. In this thesis, we focus ourselves on the redundancy of the components allowing the processing of the requests (processors), and the data redundancy in order to improve the availability of the cluster. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
机译:在计算机集群领域中进行的大多数搜索都旨在用于科学应用,也就是说具有高性能。关于集群可用性的理论很少(甚至不存在),因为在科学领域,服务连续性的利润不太明显。通过这项研究,我们的目标是建立分析模型,使我们能够实施和分析冗余方案,以确保集群服务的连续性及其对集群整体性能的影响。群集中实现高可用性的关键词是冗余。与故障转移的概念相关联,它将允许每年实现几秒钟的服务丢失可用性。在本文中,我们将重点放在允许处理请求(处理器)的组件的冗余和数据冗余上,以提高集群的可用性。 (摘要由UMI缩短。)



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