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Political ideology and moral perspectives on invasion, torture, and international law: A sociomoral ecological approach.


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To increase understanding of the role of ideology in moral judgments related to war, torture, and violation of human rights agreements, this study implemented a sociomoral ecological approach integrating theoretical perspectives from Urie Bronfenbrenner and Albert Bandura. Bronfenbrenner has urged psychologists to consider the role of contextual factors at the level of the microsystem (e.g., family), exosystem (e.g., neighborhood), and macrosystem (culture) in influencing and being influenced by the developing individual. Bandura's (1999) theory of moral disengagement identifies sociomoral mechanisms through which individuals attempt to justify behaviors that violate their moral standards. In a secondary analysis of quantitative and qualitative responses from 557 respondents to an international survey, this study investigated the contribution of political ideology and contextual factors to: (a) level of agreement with hypothetical governmental rights to invade, torture, and violate international agreements; and (b) types of moral disengagement accompanying tolerance of aggression.;To predict tolerance for governmental aggression, multiple linear regressions were conducted with the following predictors: (a) political ideology (measured by political partisanship and total conservatism scores); (b) the microsystem, exosystem, and macrosystem contextual variables of participation in protest, participation in conflict resolution education, having a military relative, and nationality; and (c) the individual variables of gender, age, and education. In predicting agreement with governmental rights to aggression, total conservatism and conservative political partisanship contributed significantly and positively to higher agreement with governmental rights to aggression. Being from a communally-oriented country, being a protestor, being a woman, and being older significantly predicted lower agreement with those purported rights. Regarding total moral disengagement, total conservatism, greater political conservatism, higher educational level, and participation in a conflict resolution program were significantly associated with higher moral disengagement. By contrast, being from a communally-oriented culture, being a woman, being a protestor, and being older significantly predicted lower moral disengagement. These results confirm the role of political ideology in predicting individuals' moral reasoning regarding tolerance for governmental aggression. By confirming that contextual and individual predictors at multiple ecological levels contributed significantly to tolerance of governmental aggression, they also supported Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory of human development.
机译:为了进一步了解意识形态在与战争,酷刑和违反人权协定有关的道德判断中的作用,本研究实施了一种社会道德生态学方法,整合了Urie Bronfenbrenner和Albert Bandura的理论观点。布朗芬布纳(Bronfenbrenner)敦促心理学家考虑在微系统(例如家庭),外系统(例如邻里)和宏观系统(文化)的水平上,环境因素在影响和影响发展中个体方面的作用。班杜拉(Bandura,1999)的道德脱离接触理论确定了社会道德机制,人们通过这种机制试图为违反道德标准的行为辩护。在对557名受访者对一项国际调查进行的定量和定性答复的二次分析中,本研究调查了政治意识形态和背景因素对以下方面的贡献:(a)与假设的政府侵略,酷刑和违反国际协议的权利达成的协议水平;为了预测对政府侵略的容忍度,采用以下预测因子进行了多元线性回归:(a)政治意识形态(由政治党派和总的保守主义得分来衡量); (b)参加抗议,参加冲突解决教育,有军人亲属和国籍的微观系统,外部系统和宏观系统的上下文变量; (c)性别,年龄和教育程度的个体变量。在预测与政府的侵略权达成协议时,完全的保守主义和保守的政治党派制对与政府的侵略权达成更高的协议做出了积极的积极贡献。来自一个面向社区的国家,一个抗议者,一个女人和年龄较大的人显着地预测了与那些声称享有权利的人的协议较低。关于完全的道德脱离接触,完全的保守主义,更大的政治保守主义,更高的教育水平以及参加冲突解决方案与更高的道德脱离接触密切相关。相比之下,来自一种面向社区的文化,一个女人,一个抗议者和年纪较大的人预示着较低的道德参与度。这些结果证实了政治意识形态在预测个人对政府侵略容忍的道德推理中的作用。通过确认在多个生态水平上的环境和个人预测因素对政府侵略的容忍度有重大贡献,他们还支持了布朗芬布伦纳的人类发展生态学理论。


  • 作者

    Tsatsaroni, Charikleia.;

  • 作者单位

    Boston University.;

  • 授予单位 Boston University.;
  • 学科 Psychology Social.;Psychology Developmental.;Political Science International Law and Relations.
  • 学位 Ph.D.
  • 年度 2012
  • 页码 150 p.
  • 总页数 150
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类
  • 关键词


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