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Single molecule studies of flexible polymers under shear and mixed flows.


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We combine manipulation and single molecule visualization of flexible DNA polymers with the generation of controlled simple shear and planar mixed flows for the investigation of polymer flow physics. With the ability to observe polymer conformation directly and follow its evolution in both dilute and entangled regimes we provide a direct test for molecular models.; The coil-stretch transition of polymer extension was investigated in planar mixed flows approaching simple shear. Visualization of individual molecules revealed a sharp coil-stretch transition in the steady-state length of the polymer with increasing strain rate in flows slightly more straining than rotational. In slightly more rotational flows significant transient polymer deformation was observed.; Next, dilute polymers were visualized in the flow-gradient plane of a steady shear flow. By exploiting the linear proportionality between polymer mass and image intensity, the radius of gyration tensor elements ( Gij) were measured over time. Then, the Giesekus stress tensor was used to obtain the bulk shear viscosity and first normal stress coefficient, thus performing rheology measurements from single molecule conformations. End-over-end tumbling was discovered for the first time, confirming a long-standing prediction and numerous single-chain computer simulation studies. The tumbling frequency followed Wi0.62, and an equation derived from simple advection and diffusion arguments was able to reproduce these observations. Power spectral densities of chain orientation trajectories were found to be single-peaked around the tumbling frequency, thus suggesting a periodic character for polymer dynamics.; Finally, we investigated well-entangled polymer solutions. Identical preparations were used in both rheological characterizations and single molecule observations under a variety of shear flow histories. Polymer extension relaxations after the cessation of a fast shear flow revealed two intrinsic characteristic times. The fast one was insensitive to concentration and at least an order of magnitude larger than the Rouse time presupposed by theoretical treatments. The slow timescale grew steeply with concentration, in qualitative agreement with theory. Transient and steady shear flows showed vastly different conformations even among identical molecules subjected to identical flow histories. This "molecular individualism" of well-entangled solutions and its broad conformational distributions calls into question the validity of preaveraging approximations made in molecular-level theories.



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