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Gender and stress-related propensities to depression and substance use disorder from childhood to maturity: A prospective study.


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More women than men receive a diagnosis of depression and more men than women receive a diagnosis of substance use disorder. The purpose of the present study was to examine the relevance of gender in assessing the risk factors of the two disorders over the life course from childhood to emerging adulthood. The theoretical perspective that framed the design of the study centered on a developmental cumulative stress/resource model. The model places emphasis on a life trajectory of risk factors that is marked by linkages between negative conditions and family circumstances, maladaptive peer relations, and schooling problems in childhood and stresses, socioeconomic disadvantage, and personal resource deficiencies in adulthood. The question of gender specificity was examined in two ways. (1) Variable-centered analysis modeled life trajectories leading to depression and substance use disorder, and (2) person-centered analysis defined the profiles of individuals who shared similar life patterns of risk and resources, and determined the causal attributions of those who were depressed.;The findings of the study suggest that gender differences in the prevalence rates of depression and substance use disorder may best be explained by differences in help-seeking behaviour, in symptom reporting contexts and conditions, and in gender-related exposure to particular kinds of stress and modes of coping. More research along these lines is warranted.;Data spanning 25 years were provided by 617 participants of the Concordia Longitudinal Risk Project. In line with epidemiological reports, more women than men met the diagnostic criteria for depression and more men than women qualified for a diagnosis of substance use disorder. The results of structural equation modeling indicated that the male and female patterns of relationships among the child and adult variables that defined the life trajectories to depression and substance use disorder were essentially alike. There were a number of gender differences, however. Characterizing the women more than the men were linkages in childhood between family adversity and social withdrawal and between quality of peer relations and school performance. In addition, childhood aggression in the women but not the men mediated the association between family adversity in childhood and disadvantaged socioeconomic position in adulthood. The results of latent class analysis provided another perspective on the relevance of gender. Five distinct configurations of risk factors were associated with depression and substance use disorder. The most and least advantaged of the profiles comprised a greater proportion of women than men, but both genders were equally represented in the profiles with less extreme patterns. Also, the clustering of aggression, elevated stress, and low socioeconomic position predicted depression and substance use disorder in both the men and women. Finally, there were gender differences in causal attributions. Men were more likely to attribute their depression to ongoing interpersonal conflict, and women to cite negative experiences in childhood as a causal factor.
机译:被诊断出患有抑郁症的女性多于男性,被诊断出患有滥用毒品的男性多于女性。本研究的目的是检验从儿童到成年的整个生命过程中性别在评估这两种疾病的危险因素方面的相关性。研究设计框架的理论观点集中在发展累积应力/资源模型上。该模型强调了危险因素的生活轨迹,其特征是负面条件与家庭状况,适应不良的同伴关系,童年的上学问题以及压力,社会经济劣势和成年后的个人资源不足之间的联系。性别特异性问题通过两种方式进行了研究。 (1)以变量为中心的分析为导致抑郁和药物滥用的生活轨迹建模,(2)以人为中心的分析定义了具有相似风险和资源生活模式的个人档案,并确定了那些人的因果关系该研究的结果表明,抑郁症和药物滥用障碍患病率的性别差异最好可以通过寻求帮助行为,症状报告背景和条件以及与性别相关的特定种类接触的差异来解释。压力和应对方式。这些方面的研究值得保证。; Concordia纵向风险项目的617名参与者提供了25年的数据。根据流行病学报告,符合抑郁症诊断标准的女性多于男性,并且有资格诊断药物滥用障碍的女性多于男性。结构方程建模的结果表明,定义抑郁症和毒品滥用生活轨迹的儿童和成人变量之间的男女关系模式基本相同。但是,存在一些性别差异。在儿童时期,家庭患难与社交退缩之间的联系以及同伴关系的质量与学校表现之间的联系是妇女比男子更多的特征。此外,女性而不是男性的童年侵略性介导了童年时期的家庭逆境与成年时期处于不利地位的社会经济地位之间的联系。潜在阶级分析的结果为性别相关性提供了另一个视角。五种不同的危险因素与抑郁症和药物滥用有关。在这些资料中,优势最大和最不优势的是女性所占比例高于男子,但在性别特征中男女同等地代表,但极端模式较少。而且,攻击性的聚集,压力的增加以及社会经济地位的低下都预示着男性和女性的抑郁和物质使用障碍。最后,因果归因存在性别差异。男性更有可能将抑郁症归因于持续的人际冲突,而女性则将儿童时期的负面经历作为原因。


  • 作者

    Lee-Genest, Kevyn.;

  • 作者单位

    Concordia University (Canada).;

  • 授予单位 Concordia University (Canada).;
  • 学科 Psychology Clinical.;Psychology Developmental.
  • 学位 Ph.D.
  • 年度 2010
  • 页码 260 p.
  • 总页数 260
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 eng
  • 中图分类
  • 关键词


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