首页> 中文学位 >试论文化与二语教学中的生物学原理——试比较谜米学与二语习得中的行为主义理论










Chapter 1 A brief survey of memetics and behaviorism

1.1 A brief survey of memetics

1.1.1 The definition of memes

1.1.2 The feaures of memes

1.1.3 The types of memes

1.1.4 Memeticists resorting to the use of cognitive theory

1.2 The formation and development of behaviorism

1.2.1 Classical behaviorism

1.2.2 Neo-behaviorism

1.2.3 New neo-behaviorism

Chapter 2 Differences between memetics and behaviorism

2.1 The difference in the research objects and scopes of the two theories

2.1.1 The research objects of memetics

2.1.2 The research objects of behaviorism

2.2 The difference in the research methods of the two theories

2.2.1 The research methods of memetics

2.2.2 The research methods of behaviorism

2.3 The differences in the interpretations of the function of the brain and consciousness

Chapter 3 The similarities of memetics and the learning theory of behaviorism

3.1 Similarity in biological foundations of the two theories

3.1.1 Biological foundations of meme theory

3.1.2 Biological foundations of behaviorism

3.2 Similarity in their emphasis on imitation

3.2.1 The understanding of imitation

3.2.2 Emphasis on imitation as reflected in memetics

3.2.3Emphasis on imitation as reflected in the learning theory of behaviorism

3.3 Similarity in cognitive factors as reflected in memetics and contemporary behaviorism

3.3.1 The role of cognition in the replication and transmission of memes

3.3.2 The role of cognition in contemporary behaviorism

Chapter 4 The application of memetics and the learning theory of behaviorism in second language acquisition

4.1 Dual-structure of language

4.2 Surface imitation in the early stages of SLA

4.2.1 Features of early stages of SLA

4.2.2 Importance of surface imitation

4.3 Complex imitation in deep structure of SLA

4.3.1 The features of the acquisition of deep structure of SL

4.3.2 The role of first language

4.3.3 Complex imitation involving more cognition

4.3.4 Complex imitation in acquiring the deep structure of SL

4.4 Meme theory and the leaning theory of behaviorism as reflected in the analysis of SLA above

Chapter 5 The contributions of memetics and behaviorism to SLA

5.1 The reconsideration of the role of imitation and its specific methods

5.2 The explanation for the production of new behaviors

5.3 Language memes in daily life





谜米理论是建立在达尔文生物进化论基础上的,是解释文化进化的新理论,它通过模仿复制和传播自己,以语言为载体同时也有利于语言的发展。以刺激-反应为基础的行为主义受到达尔文主义的影响,以生物学为基础,其语言学习和习得理论强调外部环境的刺激影响。行为主义学习理论应用于二语习得和教学,体现在教学模式上,主要是以模仿为基础的练习、记忆和句型操练等。语言的习得是人类的一个重要的行为,是谜米学和行为主义学习理论共同的研究对象。然而,理论界对于两者的对比研究关注较少。 本文在区分谜米理论和行为主义理论的前提下着重研究两者的共同之处和结合点。鉴于两种理论都强调“模仿”,本文中指出了模仿的不同类型——表层模仿和复杂模仿,并尝试通过分析语言不同层次(表层和深层)的习得过程,得出以下结论:不管哪种类型的模仿都需学习者意识和认知的参与,模仿在二语习得(SLA)中起着重要的作用。以模仿的方式进行传递的二语习得过程可以看作是一个语言谜米的复制传播的过程。作者从谜米传播的角度再现了二语的习得过程,同时尝试从谜米突变和重组的角度解释了二语中新的复杂的语言行为的出现,以期有助于为二二语习得提供新的理论框架,也促使我们以更加科学和客观的态度看待模仿和行为主义学习理论在现实中的功能。事实上,这种看似过时的语言学习方法和理论在二语习得中,广泛发挥作用,我们万万不能忽视。



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