首页> 中文学位 >从社会语言学角度分析现代英式英语的演变及预测其发展







ChapterⅠ Introduction

1.1 Background and Motivation in Writing the Thesis

1.2 British History and the History of English as a Language

1.2.1 History of UK

1.2.2 History of England

1.2.3 History of English in UK

1.3 Organization of the Thesis

Chapter Ⅱ Dialect and Accent

2.1 Varieties, Dialects and Accents

2.1.1 Varieties

2.1.2 Dialects

2.1.3 Accents

2.2 Social Variation and Regional Variation

2.2.1 Speech Community

2.2.2 Social Variation

2.2.3 Regional Variation

Chapter Ⅲ Solidarity and Accommodation

3.1 Linguistics and Sociolinguistics

3.2 Face

3.3 Solidarity Theory

3.4 Accommodation Theory

Chapter Ⅳ Evolution and Prediction of British English from Sociolinguistic Perspective

4.1 British English, Different Social Classes and Accents within England

4.1.1 Different Social Classes in Britain

4.1.2 Different Dialects and Accents in UK

4.1.3 General Comparison and Contrast among Cockney, EE and RP

4.2 RP (Received Pronunciation)

4.2.1 Origin of the Term RP

4.2.2 Evolution of ModeRN RP——Britain's crumbling ruling class is losing the accent of authority

4.2.3 The Reasoning of Evolution in Sociolinguistic View——Application of Accommodation Theory-the Need to Stress Solidarity

4.2.4 Prediction of Future RP Development——The Future of RP is just the future of EE

4.3 Queen's English

4.3.1 Origin of the Term Queen's English:——Queen's English is a Branch of RP—Conservative RP

4.3.2 Evolution of Modern Queen's English——Queen's English Move into the Realm of 'Thames Estuary'

4.3.3 The Reasoning of Evolution in Sociolinguistic View——Application of Accommodation Theory and and Solidarity Theory

4.3.4 Prediction of Future Queen's English Development

4.4 EE (Estuary English)

4.4.1 Origin of the Term EE

4.4.2 Evolution of Modern EE

4.4.3 The Reasoning of Evolution in Sociolinguistic View——Application of Accommodation Theory and Solidarity Theory

4.4.4 Prediction of Future EE Development

4.5 Cockney English

4.5.1 Origin of the Term Cockney English

4.5.2 Evolution of Modern Cockney English

4.5.3 The Reasoning of Evolution in Sociolinguistic View——Application of Accommodation Theory and Solidarity Theory

4.5.4 Prediction of Future Cockney English Development

Chapter Ⅴ Conclusion

5.1 A Brief Summary

5.2 Conclusion

5.3 Limitations




英式英语由于地理因素分为许多种。其中英格兰英语在口音(accent)上主要分为标准英语(RP),河口英语(Estuary English),伦敦英语(Cockney English)。由于历史文化原因造成英式英语广为接受发音为RP(received pronunciation),即standardEnglish,也称BBC英语,这种公认的英语普通话又因为社会构成和使用人群分为若干种。王室英语(Queen'English)即属于RP英语的一种。 本文拟用调节理论和同聚关系来解释现代英式英语及其变体(variety)的存在和发展历史。河口英语是介于上流社会的标准英语(RP)和下流社会的伦敦英语之白J的另一种口音,它的出现正是因为不同阶层的人想要通过模糊口音而掩盖自己的社会地位,由此河口英语开始以一种不可抵挡的力量代替了过去的RP英语作为一种新的上流社会语言,同时也是中下层民众所喜欢使用的口音。其背景是英国从一个等级森严的国家过渡为一个等级模糊的国家,过去作为贵族阶层顶层的王室的地位从原来的政治,经济操控者变成君主立宪体制的象征,其家族成员语言也从过去的女王英语演变为河口英语。 基于实际情况和理论结合分析,对于英式英语目前存在的各种口音可做如下推断:即王室英语终将随着时代的发展消失;RP不再作为唯一的标准英语,河口英语会取代RP成为新的标准英语;河口英语今后变化趋势是朝向更为贫民化的伦敦英语方向发展,形成一种新的语言变体;伦敦英语随着对于伦敦东区的改造和建设有所变化,最终其将与和河口英语一道互相影响渗透而向前发展。



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