首页> 中文学位 >髓系细胞特异性Sptlc2基因缺失对小鼠动脉粥样硬化病灶的影响





缩略词注释表(List of Acronyms)



第一章 研究背景(Research Background)

1.1 鞘磷脂和动脉粥样硬化(Sphingomyelin and Atherosclerosis)

1.1.1 鞘磷脂的从头合成途径(The De Novo Biosynthetic Pathway of Sphingomyelin)

1.1.2 动脉粥样硬化的形成和发展过程(The Formation and Development of Atherosclerosis)

1.1.3 巨噬细胞对于动脉粥样硬化的影响(The Affection of Macrophages on Atherosclerosis)

1.2 动脉粥样硬化动物模型(Experimental Animal Models of Atherosclerosis)

1.2.1 LDL受体缺乏小鼠模型(Ldlr Receptor Deficient Mouse Model)

1.2.2 ApoE基因敲除小鼠模型(ApoE Knockout Mouse Model)

1.2.3 其他动物模型(Other Kinds of Animal Models)

1.3 造血干细胞与骨髓移植(Hematopoietic Stem Cells and Bone Marrow Transplantation)

1.3.1 造血干细胞与髓系细胞(Hematopoietic Stem Cells and Myeloid Stem Cells)

1.3.2 巨噬细胞的来源(The Source of Macrophages)

1.3.3 骨髓移植(Bone Marrow Transplantation)

第二章 髓系细胞特异性Sptlc2+/-小鼠的建立(The Preparation of Heterozygous Sptlc2-Flox/LysM-Cre Mice)

2.1 Sptlc2-Flox小鼠的建立(The Preparation of Sptlc2-Flox Mice)

2.2 髓系细胞特异性Sptlc2+/-小鼠的建立(The Preparation of Heterozygous Sptlc2-Flox/LysM-Cre Mice)

2.3 讨论(Discussion)

第三章 骨髓移植及其前后基因鉴定(Bone Marrow Transplantation and Genotyping)

3.1 骨髓移植前基因型鉴定(Genotyping Before Bone Marrow Transplantation)

3.1.1 实验材料(Experimental Materials and Apparatus)

3.1.2 实验方法(Experimental Methods)

3.1.3 实验结果(Experimental Results)

3.2 骨髓移植过程(The Process of Bone Marrow Transplantation)

3.2.1 实验材料(Experimental Materials and Apparatus)

3.2.2 实验方法(Experimental Methods)

3.2.3 实验结果(Experimental Results)

3.3 骨髓移植后基因型鉴定(Genotyping After Bone Marrow Transplantation)

3.3.1 实验材料(Experimental Materials and Apparatus)

3.3.2 实验方法(Experimental Methods)

3.3.3 实验结果(Experimental Results)

3.4 讨论(Discussion)

第四章 骨髓移植前后血细胞计数和血脂测定(Analysis of Blood Cell Counts and Plasma Lipid Levels)

4.1 骨髓移植前后血细胞计数(Analysis of Blood Cell Counts)

4.1.1 实验材料(Experimental Materials and Apparatus)

4.1.2 实验方法(Experimental Methods)

4.1.3 实验结果(Experimental Results)

4.2 骨髓移植后血浆脂类含量测定(Analysis of Plasma Lipid Levels)

4.2.1 实验材料(Experimental Materials and Apparatus)

4.2.2 实验方法(Experimental Methods)

4.2.3 实验结果(Experimental Results)

4.3 讨论(Discussion)

第五章 髓系细胞特异性Sptlc2+/-小鼠动脉粥样硬化分析(Lesion Analysis of Myeloid Cell-specific Sptlc2+/- Mouse Aorta)

5.1 主动脉弓病灶分析(Lesion Analysis of Mouse Aortic Arches)

5.1.1 实验材料(Experimental Mamrials and Apparatus)

5.1.2 实验方法(Experimental Methods)

5.1.3 实验结果(Experimental Results)

5.2 主动脉根部病灶分析(Lesion Analysis of Mouse Aortic Roots)

5.2.1 实验材料(Experimental Materials and Apparatus)

5.2.2 实验方法(Experimental Methods)

5.2.3 实验结果(Experimental Results)

5.3 完整主动脉病灶分析(Lesion Analysis of the Whole Aorta)

5.3.1 实验材料(Experimental Materials and Apparatus)

5.3.2 实验方法(Experimental Methods)

5.3.3 实验结果(Experimental Results)

5.4 讨论(Discussion)

第六章 课题组关于巨噬细胞Sptlc2+/-作用于动脉粥样硬化的机制研究(The Mechanism Study of Sptlc2+/- Macrophages on Anti-atherosclerosis in Our Research Group)

6.1 Sptlc2+/-巨噬细胞的SPT活性、细胞膜及脂筏上鞘磷脂水平(SPT Activity of Sptlc2+/- Macrophages,SM Levels in Plasma Membrane and Lipid Rafts)

6.1.1 SPT活性测定(Analysis of SPT Activity)

6.1.2 细胞膜和脂筏上鞘磷脂水平测定(SM Levels in Plasma Membrane and Lipid Rafts)

6.2 Sptlc2+/-巨噬细胞对炎性反应的影响(The Study of Sptlc2+/- Macrophages on Inflammatory Responses)

6.2.1 对TLR4受体的影响(The Study of Sptlc2+/- Macrophages on TLR4 Recruitment)

6.2.2 对NFκB通路的影响(The Study of Sptlc2+/- Macrophages on NFκB Signalling Pathway)

6.2.3 对MAPK通路的影响(The Study of Sptlc2+/- Macrophages on MAPK Signalling Pathway)

6.3 Sptlc2+/-巨噬细胞对胆固醇流出和逆转运的影响(The Study of Sptlc2+/- Macrophages on Cholesterol Efflux and Reverse Cholesterol Transport)

6.3.1 对胆固醇流出的影响(The Study of Spilt2+/- Macrophages on Cholesterol Efflux)

6.3.2 对胆固醇逆转运的影响(The Study of Sptlc2+/- Macmphages on Reverse Cholesterol Transport)

6.4 讨论(Discussion)






攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录(List of Publications During the Doctorate Study Period)



   丝氨酸棕榈酰转移酶(Serine Palmitoyltransferase,SPT)是鞘磷脂从头合成途径中的第一个限速酶。SPT是一种膜蛋白,有三个亚基:LCB1,LCB2和LCB3。SPT和鞘磷脂已经被证实能影响动脉粥样硬化(Atherosclerosis,AS),而巨噬细胞是已知的在动脉粥样硬化发展中起关键作用的细胞。巨噬细胞由髓系细胞分化而来,巨噬细胞和髓系细胞SPT对动脉粥样硬化的作用还不清楚。为了解答这个问题,我们构建了髓系细胞特异性Sptlc2+/-小鼠模型,研究其对动脉粥样硬化病灶的影响,为寻找治疗动脉粥样硬化新的途径或靶点提供实验依据。
   (1)通过采用Sptlc2-Flox(Sptlc2-10xp/loxp)小鼠和转基因(Lysozyme M cre,LysM-cre)小鼠杂交,构建髓系细胞特异性Sptlc2+/-小鼠,并运用基因学方法鉴定小鼠构建成功与否。



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