
Next Generation of B2B Internet Payment Services in Europe - Revenue and Pricing Model Analysis


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The Internet was expected to drive perhaps the most rapid restructuring of business to business (B2B) commerce that has ever been seen. It was the centre of the bull market in terms of masses investing in Internet stocks which peaked in 2000 - ever since to date the promise has gone bear. However, the Internet is here to stay and is increasingly becoming a critical communications and content medium for businesses all around the world. The paper provides a methodology and initial results for evaluating firstly, the B2B Internet commerce marketplace in terms of approximate size and susceptibility of different Industries to B2B Internet based commerce and, secondly, an basic analytical approach to devise a suitable B2B payment service business strategy. The approach used in the paper has concentrated on European market data, and thus resulted in a B2B payment service business strategy for Europe. This approach may be used to evaluate other geographical marketplaces and B2B payment service business strategies.



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