
Hierarchical Situational Models and Linguistic Means for Their Realization


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Hierarchical model description language based on hierarchical situational model for design the control system for complex technical objects has been developed. Any complex technical objects (CTO) may be consider as a hierarchy of a large number of interconnected components, which operate in a complex environment. The examples of these CTO are mobile robots, air/spacecraft, and other complex moving systems. Hierarchical situational model (HSM) as hierarchy of transition graphs of special kind is considered. The transition graph states correspond to situations, and arcs - to situations transitions. Every transition is associated with a predicate of situation change. Some features of hierarchical situational model for modeling and design of CTO control systems and its properties are considered. Realization of control process according to the HSM is suggested as consequent changing of the situations and executing control action corresponding the situation. This interpretation process for realization control process of CTO algorithm is given in details. The hierarchical model description language for practical realization HSM is suggested. Syntax's constructions and semantic features of the language are discussed and an example of hierarchical model definition is considered.



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