首页> 外文会议>World conference on acoustic emission-2011 Beijing. >AE Behavior of Lightning-Damaged CFRP during Compression-After-Impact Test

AE Behavior of Lightning-Damaged CFRP during Compression-After-Impact Test


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Carbon-fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP' s) were made of nano-particles-coated carbon fibers and tested under compression-after-impact (CAI) mode, where the progress of further damage due to compressive loading has been monitored by acoustic emission (AE). The impact damage was induced not by mechanical loading but by a simulated lightning strike. Carbon prepregs prepared by coating of conductive nano-particles directly on the fibers and the CFRP coupons were subjected to simulated lightning strikes with a high voltage/current impulse of 10~40kA within a few microseconds. The effects of nano-particles coating and the degree of damage induced by the simulated lightning strikes on AE activities were examined, and the relationship between the compressive residual strength and AE behavior has been evaluated in terms of AE event counts and the onset of AE activity with the compressive loading. The degree of impact damage was also measured in terms of damage area by using ultrasonic C-scan images. From the results assessed during the CAI tests of damaged CFRP showed that AE monitoring appeared to be very useful to differentiate the degree of damage hence the mechanical integrity of composite structures damaged by lightning strikes.
机译:碳纤维增强塑料(CFRP's)由纳米颗粒包覆的碳纤维制成,并在撞击后压缩(CAI)模式下进行了测试,在该模式下,通过声发射监测了由于压缩载荷造成的进一步破坏的进展( AE)。冲击损坏不是由机械负载引起的,而是由模拟的雷击引起的。通过在纤维和CFRP试件上直接涂覆导电纳米颗粒而制备的碳预浸料在几微秒内经受了10〜40kA的高电压/电流冲击的模拟雷击。研究了纳米颗粒涂层和模拟雷击对AE活动的破坏程度的影响,并根据AE事件计数和AE活动开始评估了压缩残余强度与AE行为之间的关系。承受压缩载荷。还通过使用超声C扫描图像以损伤面积来测量冲击损伤的程度。根据受损CFRP的CAI测试期间评估的结果,表明AE监控对于区分损坏程度非常有用,因此可以区分雷击损坏的复合结构的机械完整性。



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