首页> 外文会议>WEFTEC 2012;Water Environment Federation annual technical exhibition and conference >Using a Dynamic Process Model to Investigate Full-Scale Upgrades to Maximize Secondary Wet Weather Treatment Using Step-Feed

Using a Dynamic Process Model to Investigate Full-Scale Upgrades to Maximize Secondary Wet Weather Treatment Using Step-Feed




The Metropolitan Sewer District of Greater Cincinnati (MSDGC) is implementing plans tosignificantly reduce combined sewer overflows (CSO) through secondary treatment plantupgrades. Major upgrades at the Mill Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) includemodifications of the existing secondary clarifiers to improve sludge removal and hydraulics, andconversion of the 3-pass activated sludge lanes to be able to operate in step-feed operation. Thispaper discusses operational modeling investigations using state point analysis and biologicalprocess modeling with Biowin to develop guidelines for operating the step feed mode.Furthermore, full scale plant performance of step-feed operation and process model predictionsunder wet weather conditions are presented and show that the field data matches the modelpredictions reasonably well. The model demonstrated that it is a powerful tool that can be used topredict plant performance and guide plant operations.
机译:大辛辛那提大城市下水道区(MSDGC)正在实施计划,以通过二级处理厂的升级来显着减少下水道合并下水道(CSO)。 Mill Creek废水处理厂(WWTP)的主要升级包括对现有二级澄清池的改造,以改善污泥去除和水力性能,并改造了3通道活性污泥通道,使其能够逐步进料运行。本文讨论了利用状态点分析和Biowin进行生物过程建模以制定分步进料模式操作准则的操作模型调查,此外,还提出了在潮湿天气条件下分步进料操作的全厂性能和过程模型预测,并显示了现场数据合理地匹配模型预测。该模型表明,它是一个功能强大的工具,可用于预测工厂性能并指导工厂运营。



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