首页> 外文会议>VLSI Design, Automation and Test, 2009. VLSI-DAT '09 >Refinement and reuse of TLM 2.0 models: The key for ESL success

Refinement and reuse of TLM 2.0 models: The key for ESL success

机译:完善和重用TLM 2.0模型:ESL成功的关键



ESL design methods and tools are being proposed to improve the productivity of the designers and to bridge the design and verification gaps. The main area where ESL solutions are being successfully applied on current desire flows is virtual prototyping. The success of these methods relies on the rapidly adoption from semiconductor industry and EDA vendors of standards such as SystemC and TLM 2.0. Ideally. TLM models must be accurate enough, fast enough and easy to create in order to fit all virtual prototype use-cases. However reality shows that different requirements are achieved only by using different type of models (the right model for the right use-case). This is because TLM modeling is a multidimensional problem where the different dimensions (speed, timing accuracy and modeling effort) are orthogonal with each other. Having to create and maintain a separated model for each use-case is drastically reducing the benefits of VP technology, due to elevated cost of creating and maintaining the models consistent with each other. Therefore, model reuse and refinement is a must for the success of ESL technology. This paper describes modeling concepts that can be used to create speed optimal models with low effort, which can be gradually refined with more timing accuracy and therefore reused for different VP use-cases.
机译:提出了ESL设计方法和工具,以提高设计人员的生产率并弥合设计和验证差距。 ESL解决方案成功应用于当前需求流的主要领域是虚拟原型。这些方法的成功取决于半导体行业和EDA供应商迅速采用诸如SystemC和TLM 2.0之类的标准。理想地。为了适合所有虚拟原型用例,TLM模型必须足够准确,足够快且易于创建。但是现实表明,只有通过使用不同类型的模型(正确的用例的正确的模型)才能实现不同的需求。这是因为TLM建模是一个多维问题,其中不同维度(速度,定时精度和建模工作)彼此正交。由于创建和维护模型彼此一致的成本增加,必须为每个用例创建和维护单独的模型会大大降低VP技术的优势。因此,模型重用和优化是ESL技术成功的必要条件。本文介绍了可用于轻松创建速度最佳模型的建模概念,这些模型概念可以逐渐以更高的时序精度进行完善,因此可以在不同的VP用例中重复使用。



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