首页> 外文会议>The Urgency of Building Competitiveness to Attract Oil and Gas Investment in Indonesia >ASSESSING VERSUS ACCESSING VALUE: ANALYSING RESERVES AND ITS CONUNDRUMS



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An oil & gas company's reserves are usually assessed and reported on an annual basis as this gives an indication of the performance of said company in not only producing hydrocarbons but discovering and replacing those produced hydrocarbons for future development. On occasion, the reserves numbers that a company reports will be used to generate finance via private or public placements of shares or through more traditional borrowing from the major banks and financial institutions. These finances may be raised to fund development of an existing discovery or possibly for further exploration of a promising block or region. In either case the organisations supplying the money, whether they be investors looking for growth and prepared to take some risk to get a high return on their investment, or lenders looking for a more 'guaranteed' but perhaps lower rate of return, are reliant on the quality of the reserves assessment that is carried out as it is upon this that they will base their decisions. There is therefore a need to 'match' the reserves assessment style to the end-users' requirements. The result is a proliferation of 'standards', 'classifications' and rules & regulations that vary from country to country and market to market. None of them are necessarily 'wrong' but each of them needs to be applied and interpreted in the correct context. The much maligned SEC regulations are extremely conservative and very prescriptive allowing only for strictly defined "P1" reserves to be recognised (although in a probabilistic sense the reservoir parameter variables are generally more akin to a P75 level rather than the more conventional P90 that would usually be associated with 'Proven'). They do not allow for the reporting of any exploration upside and apply strict contractual requirements for 'reserves' to be recognised as such. The plus side of this approach is that there is a very high probability that the reserves reported will in fact be produced. The rules are the same for every company and therefore it can be argued that they provide a benchmark by which oil & gas companies can be compared on an annual basis. So why would we want to assess reserves and their inherent value any differently? The answer is that the upside, whether it be undrilled exploration potential, or additional recovery from enhanced oil recovery techniques, infill drilling and marginal satellite additions to name but a few, IS of great interest and needs to be assessed in some way. in order to decide whether to proceed with plans to develop or access this upside. Indeed, it is usually the case that the "P2" recoverable reserves and associated value are used for the purpose of internal business planning. This makes a great deal of sense as it would be self-defeating to design transport infrastructure, for instance, which was only capable of transporting a P90 flow-rate thus delaying the 'sale' of the hydrocarbons and diminishing their net present value. However, it is an obvious fact that as we move away from 'SEC style' "P1" reporting to "P2" (or "Probable") and even "P3" (or "Possible") 'reserves' the degree of uncertainty increases and that uncertainty encompasses many aspects of the business from the basic geology involved right through to government royalties and local economics. Probably the most commonly used reserves classification guidelines are the SPE/WPC and these do specifically cater for the uncertainties that surround the quantification of 'reserves' and resources.
机译:石油和天然气公司的储量通常每年进行评估和报告,因为这不仅表明了该公司在生产碳氢化合物方面的表现,而且还发现和替代了这些生产的碳氢化合物以供将来开发。有时,公司报告的储备金将用于通过私人或公开配售股票,或通过从主要银行和金融机构进行的更传统的借贷来筹集资金。可以筹集这些资金来资助现有发现的开发或可能用于有前途的区块或地区的进一步勘探。在这两种情况下,提供资金的组织,无论是寻求增长并准备冒一定风险以获取高投资回报的投资者,还是寻求更高“担保”但可能更低的回报率的贷方,都依赖于他们将以此为基础进行储备金评估的质量。因此,需要使储量评估方式与最终用户的需求“匹配”。结果是,“标准”,“分类”以及规则和法规的泛滥,因国家和地区以及市场而异。它们都不一定是“错误的”,但是它们每个都需要在正确的上下文中应用和解释。备受争议的SEC法规极其保守且非常规范,仅允许识别严格定义的“ P1”储量(尽管在概率意义上,储层参数变量通常更类似于P75级别,而不是通常更常规的P90与“已验证”关联)。它们不允许报告任何勘探上行空间,并对“储量”适用严格的合同要求,因此必须予以承认。这种方法的好处是,报告的储量实际上很有可能被开采。每个公司的规则都相同,因此可以争辩说,它们提供了一个基准,可以对石油和天然气公司进行年度比较。那么,为什么我们要对储备金及其内在价值进行不同的评估呢?答案是,上行空间,无论是未钻探的勘探潜力,还是从增强的石油采收技术,填充钻探和边际卫星增加等方面的额外采收,仅是少数几个,IS引起人们极大的兴趣,需要以某种方式进行评估。为了决定是否继续制定计划来开发或克服这一优势。实际上,通常将“ P2”可采储量和相关价值用于内部业务计划。这在很大程度上是有意义的,因为例如设计运输基础设施将是自欺欺人的,该运输基础设施只能运输P90流量,从而延迟了碳氢化合物的“销售”并降低了其净现值。但是,很明显的事实是,随着我们从“ SEC风格”的“ P1”报告转移到“ P2”(或“可能”)甚至“ P3”(或“可能”),“保留”了不确定性的程度在增加这种不确定性涵盖了业务的许多方面,从涉及的基本地质学到政府特许权使用费和地方经济学。 SPE / WPC可能是最常用的储量分类指南,这些指南确实可以解决围绕“储量”和资源量化的不确定性问题。



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