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Ecohydrological perspectives of declining water sources and quality in traditional water bodies of Delhi


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This paper investigates the spatio-temporal changes in the traditional water bodies of Delhi along with the processes and forces behind the water quality change, and the ecohydrological consequences of the changing status of traditional water bodies. In 1970, the total number of water bodies was 807 with an area of 14.41 km~2, which declined by 21% to 640, having an area of 8.51 km~2 in 2008. About 108 (23%) dry water bodies have disappeared and this contributes to loss of 4.47 km~2, i.e. 60% of the area under the dry water bodies. The study shows that there is not only decline in the total number of water bodies but there is deterioration in the quality of water bodies. Among 27 wet water bodies, only 11 have clean water, the remaining 16 were filled with dirty water and filth due to inflow of wastewater from the nearby residential area and dumping of garbage around them. The land use in the catchment areas influences water quality through inflow of nutrients, organic and inorganic contaminants and siltation. The study reveals that extinction of traditional water bodies and dying tradition of construction and management of these water bodies has resulted in the serious decline in the level of groundwater in Delhi. The area of brackish water (EC > 2000 μs/cm) increased by 70% from 1977 to 2000. Birds like coots which prefer clean water have also started dwindling with the loss of habitat. The Indian purple moorhen has become uncommon in recent times and the number of frogs has declined in Delhi. The Delhi Government has prepared a Nine Point guideline for the revival of water bodies of Delhi.
机译:本文研究了德里传统水体的时空变化,以及水质变化背后的过程和作用力,以及传统水体状态变化的生态水文后果。 1970年,水体总数为807,面积为14.41 km〜2,下降了21%,为640,面积为8.51 km〜2。2008年,约有108(23%)的干水体消失了这造成了4.47 km〜2的损失,即干水体下方面积的60%。研究表明,不仅水体总数下降,而且水体质量恶化。在27个湿水体中,只有11个具有净水,由于附近居民区的废水流入和周围垃圾的倾倒,其余16个中充满了脏水和污物。集水区的土地利用通过养分,有机和无机污染物的流入和淤积影响水质。该研究表明,传统水体的灭绝以及这些水体建设和管理的死传统导致德里的地下水位严重下降。从1977年到2000年,微咸水的面积(EC> 2000μs/ cm)增加了70%。喜欢白水的鸟类如老傻瓜也开始因栖息地的丧失而减少。印度紫色的雌红松鸡最近变得不那么普遍了,德里的青蛙数量也有所减少。德里政府已经制定了九点准则,以恢复德里的水体。



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