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Virtual Satellite Positioning Technology Based on Differential Pressure Altimetry and PDR




In recent years, with the rapid development of information technology and the improvement of people's quality of life, location service has become an indispensable part of people's life. In the outdoor environment, only three satellites can be received in some locations. In this case, the traditional satellite positioning method is difficult to obtain more accurate positioning results. The existing satellite positioning technology uses differential barometric altimeter to construct the earth ellipsoid model, which can be located under the condition of visible three satellites. However, its positioning accuracy is poor. Therefore, this paper presents a virtual satellite positioning technology based on differential pressure altimetry and PDR to solve the above issues. The technology needs to use the coordinate of the previous positioning result as the reference point coordinate to establish virtual satellite pseudo-range observation equations. Newton iterative method is used to get the result of single-point positioning result. The Kalman filter is used to fuse the inertial sensor information and single-point positioning results to get more accurate positioning results. The experimental verification shows that the proposed technology can also locate in the visible three-satellite case with the accuracy of1.82 meters (1 σ), which is 27.63% more accurate than the existing three-satellite positioning technology based on terrestrial mobile communication base stations. When four satellite signals are received, the proposed technology has a positioning accuracy of about 1.44 meters (1 σ), which is 32.08% more accurate than the test of same environment with only four satellites for positioning.



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