首页> 外文会议>Twenty-Seventh International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 27th, Sep 11-14th, 2001, Roma, Italy >Enabling End-users to Construct Data-intensive Web-sites from XML Repositories: An Example-based Approach

Enabling End-users to Construct Data-intensive Web-sites from XML Repositories: An Example-based Approach


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We demonstrate how our system can help users construct data-intensive Web sites from XML repositories and databases in a very intuitive fashion. The key idea is to show the system some example operations with data instances and let it infer the operations for the whole collection of data objects in the data repositories. This problem is challenging, because we allow data in the data repositories to be semistructured, and inferring (generalizing) the operations is a non-trivial task. We already found through experiments that even users without any knowledge on database-related concepts (such as database schemas, SQL-style queries and path expressions) can construct fairly complex Web-sites from a collection of XML documents and a relational database, by following their intuitions. We think our system is an example of how end users can be empowered by the semistructured data technologies the research community has been developing, because the Website construction process is realized by them. The demonstration is done with an implemented system of our AQUA (Amalgamation of QUerying and Authoring) project[5] . The project started with a recognition that the wide acceptance of the world wide web is not only due to its easy way to access data but also to the simple mechanism that enables end users to publish their own, personal Web contents [3]. Some of such personal Web sites are very data-intensive: For example, movie enthusiasts manage a lot of movie information, and researchers' Web sites have their publications. (They are not necessarily computer science researchers.) While they write tons of HTML documents, few of them use database management systems. We attribute it to the following two causes: (1) For end users, incorporation of databases' contents into Web sites is difficult: They can use commercially available authoring tools with drag-and-drop facilities to design their sites. However, they are typically required to write queries in SQL, which is a completely different framework from the page authoring. (2) The nature of live information from the real world and users' lack of knowledge on database principles tend to cause frequent changes on the data structures and result in semistructured data. In such situations, it is troublesome to use relational databases for data management. Based on the observation, we designed our system which (1) requires no specification of SQL-style queries in data manipulation languages, and (2) allows semistructured data repositories (such as XML document collections) to be used as underlying information sources.
机译:我们演示了我们的系统如何以非常直观的方式帮助用户从XML存储库和数据库构建数据密集型网站。关键思想是向系统显示一些带有数据实例的示例操作,并使其推断数据存储库中数据对象的整个集合的操作。这个问题具有挑战性,因为我们允许将数据存储库中的数据进行半结构化,并且推断(概括)操作是一项艰巨的任务。我们已经通过实验发现,即使对数据库相关概念(例如数据库模式,SQL样式查询和路径表达式)一无所知的用户,也可以通过遵循以下条件,从XML文档和关系数据库的集合中构建相当复杂的网站。他们的直觉。我们认为我们的系统是一个示例,该示例说明了研究社区正在开发的半结构化数据技术如何为最终用户提供支持,因为网站建设过程是由他们实现的。该演示是通过我们的AQUA(查询和创作合并)项目的已实施系统完成的[5]。该项目开始时就认识到,万维网的广泛接受不仅是由于其访问数据的简便方法,而且还因为它使最终用户能够发布自己的个人Web内容的简单机制[3]。其中一些个人网站的数据量非常大:例如,电影发烧友管理着许多电影信息,而研究人员的网站都有其出版物。 (他们不一定是计算机科学研究人员。)尽管他们编写大量的HTML文档,但很少使用数据库管理系统。我们将其归因于以下两个原因:(1)对于最终用户而言,将数据库内容合并到网站中很困难:他们可以使用具有拖放功能的市售创作工具来设计其网站。但是,通常需要它们以SQL编写查询,这是与页面创作完全不同的框架。 (2)来自现实世界的实时信息的性质以及用户对数据库原理的了解不足,往往会导致数据结构的频繁更改并导致半结构化数据。在这种情况下,使用关系数据库进行数据管理很麻烦。根据观察结果,我们设计了系统,该系统(1)不需要规范数据处理语言中的SQL风格的查询,并且(2)允许将半结构化数据存储库(例如XML文档集合)用作基础信息源。



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