首页> 外文会议>Transportation, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering (TMEE), 2011 International Conference on >A formal description framework of temporal conflicts in multi-agent virtual warehouse collaboration system based on ITL

A formal description framework of temporal conflicts in multi-agent virtual warehouse collaboration system based on ITL


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It is inevitable to appear conflicts which are constituted by properties and sequences of events in multi-agent virtual warehouse collaboration system, because of the agents' characteristics of autonomy and heterogeneity. Temporal logic is the key to describe them. ITL includes a total of thirteen kinds of complete disjoint and joint sessions to describe the relationship among time. On this basis, we proposed a framework for formal description of temporal conflicts in MAS, and verified the framework in multi-agent virtual warehouse collaboration system. The framework contributes to more intuitive understanding of the essence of temporal conflict, and lays a good foundation for the resolution of conflicts and the stable operation of the system.
机译:由于代理的自治性和异质性特征,在多代理虚拟仓库协作系统中不可避免地会出现由事件的属性和事件顺序构成的冲突。时间逻辑是描述它们的关键。 ITL总共包括13种完全脱节和联合会议,以描述时间之间的关系。在此基础上,提出了一种用于描述MAS中时间冲突的形式化框架,并在多Agent虚拟仓库协作系统中对该框架进行了验证。该框架有助于更直观地理解时间冲突的本质,并为解决冲突和系统的稳定运行奠定了良好的基础。



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