
Developments and a




Abstract: Confocal theta microscopy improves the resolution of confocal laser scanning microscopes by solving the problem of the inferior axial resolution instrumentally. The specimens are observed at an angle theta relative to the illumination axis (ideally 90 degrees). The resulting observation volume, defined by the product of illumination and detection point spread functions (PSFs), is reduced by 2.5 and has an isotropic shape. Single-Lens Theta Microscopy (SLTM) is a technical variation of confocal theta microscopy. It is designed to be easily adapted to any common confocal laser scanning microscope. It is based on the use of a mirror unit between the microscope objective lens and its focal plane. This mirror unit deflects the incoming and outcoming light in such a way, that the detection axis is perpendicular to the illumination axis. With SLTM different kinds of other microscopical techniques (such as 4Pi microscopy) are possible. The quantitative evaluation of physical test systems underline the feasibility of SLTM and prove the excellent resolution. The extensions of the experimentally determined point spread functions fit well with the predicted theoretical values. The technique was applied to the investigation of GFP labelled organelles in HeLa cells as well as for the analysis of embryos. !21
机译:摘要:共聚焦θ显微镜通过仪器解决轴向分辨率较低的问题,提高了共聚焦激光扫描显微镜的分辨率。以相对于照明轴的角度θ(理想情况下为90度)观察样品。由照明和检测点扩展函数(PSFs)乘积定义的结果观察体积减少了2.5,并具有各向同性的形状。单透镜Theta显微镜(SLTM)是共聚焦Theta显微镜的技术变体。它的设计使其易于适应任何普通的共聚焦激光扫描显微镜。它是基于在显微镜物镜及其焦平面之间使用反射镜单元的。该镜单元使入射光和出射光偏转,使得检测轴垂直于照明轴。使用SLTM,可以使用其他各种显微镜技术(例如4Pi显微镜)。物理测试系统的定量评估强调了SLTM的可行性,并证明了出色的分辨率。实验确定的点扩展函数的扩展与预测的理论值非常吻合。该技术被应用于HeLa细胞中GFP标记的细胞器的研究以及胚胎的分析。 !21



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