首页> 外文会议>Third international symposium on the use of ozone in aquatic systems >Ozone treatment of seawater to control vibriosis in mariculture of penaeid shrimp,penaeus vannameii

Ozone treatment of seawater to control vibriosis in mariculture of penaeid shrimp,penaeus vannameii


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During experiments from April 1990 to May 1991 ozone gas was reacted with seawater to reduce isease causing Vibrio bacteria at a shripmp hatechery,LARFICO,located near Ayangue,Ecuaddor.A 1,540 liter capacity fiberglass contact tower haivn ga five to seven minute retentin time treated pacific Ocean seawater for an ozone produced oxidant resiual average of 0.07 mg/liter.Form February 1991 to May 1991,ozonized seawater was used in experimental larval tanks of 13,000 liter capacity while similar tanks acted as contorls.Sonce zone eliminated Vibrio as determined by TCBS plating of treated water while contorl water showed Vibrio colonies too numerous to count which caused shrimp to die of disease,te entire hatchery (30 tanks of 13,000 liters each) was treated with ozonized seawater from June 1991 to September 1992.
机译:在1990年4月至1991年5月的实验过程中,位于厄瓜多尔阿扬格附近的LARFICO一家污水处理厂将臭氧气体与海水反应,以减少引起弧菌的细菌。一台1,540升容量的玻璃纤维接触塔安装了五到七分钟的经保留时间的太平洋从1991年2月至1991年5月,臭氧水的平均残留量为0.07毫克/升。从1991年2月至1991年5月,臭氧化海水用于容量为13,000升的实验性幼体池中,而类似的池则作为控制池使用。 1991年6月至1992年9月,整个控制孵化场(30个水箱,每箱13,000升)均用臭氧水处理过,而控制水却显示出弧菌菌落数量过多,致使虾死亡。



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